2019 ML-MSM Meeting - Abstract Submission Form

NOTE that the Abstract Submission deadline is October 1, 2019 at 11:59PM EST.

Meeting:  Integrating Machine Learning with Multiscale Modeling for Biomedical, Biological, and Behavioral Systems (2019 ML-MSM) Meeting

Meeting Dates: October 24-25, 2019


~~~~~~~~~Please use the form template below to create your poster abstract submission~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Poster Abstract Submission Form

*Please submit to https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/current-imag-meeting/submit-materials by October 1, 2019 (you may update your submission through this registration site after re-entering your login)

*Save your abstract as “First Author Last Name _ 2019 ML-MSM Meeting Poster Abstract”


PI(s) Grant: 


Grant Number: 

Title of Grant:


Abstract Authors:


Abstract Text:

You may insert text and images


Please use the 10 Simple Rules for Credible Models to describe your model



Define context clearly

Develop and document the subject, application, purpose, and intended use(s) of the model or simulation


Use appropriate data

Employ relevant and traceable information in the development or operation of a model or simulation


Evaluate within context

Verification, validation, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis of the model or simulation are accomplished with respect to the reality of interest and intended use(s)of the model or simulation


List limitations explicitly

Restrictions, constraints, or qualifications for, or on the use of the model or simulation are available for consideration by the users or customers of a model or simulation


Use version control

Implement a system to trace the time history of M&S activities including delineation of contributors’ efforts


Document adequately

Maintain up-to-date informative records of all M&S activities, including simulation code, model markup, scope and intended use of M&S activities, as well as users’ and developers' guides


Disseminate broadly

Disseminate appropriate components of M&S activities, including simulation software, models, simulation scenarios and results.


Get independent reviews

Have the M&S activity reviewed by nonpartisan third-party users and developers


Test competing implementations

Use contrasting M&S execution strategies to check the conclusions of the different execution strategies against each other


Conform to standards

Adopt and promote generally applicable and discipline specific operating procedures, guidelines, and regulations accepted as best practices



*Save your abstract as “First Author Last Name _ 2019 ML-MSM Meeting Poster Abstract”

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