2011 MSM/NHLBI Systems Biology Meeting Feedback


  • Liked flash poster presentations, have poster session immediately following
  • Wished for more discussion time 
  • 10 minute talks were just right
  • Speakers still focused too much on the biology and not enough on the methods
  • in addition to being true to the biology, multiscale models need to be true to physics and mathematics. The "methods" may be seen as our attempts of ensuring this.
  • Like having the meeting with the NHLBI systems biology grantees
  • Keep meeting in the Washington DC metro area
  • Improve on A.V., lighting and viewing - possibly change venue to an elevated auditorium style
  • Check dates with overlapping grant deadlines, study section reviews, other relevant meetings
  • Invite NIH Intramural investigators, i.e. through the Clinical Center
  • Compose themes with real questions to answer (e.g. how do you link your scales?), give people more to take home
  • we had to commute from airport to bethesda; then we had to commute to White Flint; then we had to walk 1/2 mile each day each way to from the metro. There was a lot of wasted time in travelling.
  • More free time (coffee breaks) to interact.
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