Agenda for MSM 2008 Consortium Meeting
Tuesday August 5, 2008, 5:30-7pm, Montreal, Canada
Argenteuil Room
1. Recognizing 24 MSM projects, signing of special poster
2. Plans for 2009 meeting - joint US-EU meeting, July 2009(?)
- Comments on the Current Meeting:
- Members commented that this was a good meeting. Topics have been brought up that don’t get brought up by other meetings. SIAM a good forum (small). This is an improved meeting due to IMAG participation.
- Recommend doing this in conjunction with SIAM in the future
- Hard to budget for an international meeting at the end of the grant period
- SMB might be another option
- Maybe shouldn’t do it every year at another meeting
- Having meeting in Bethesda made other PO's available from NIH that don’t participate in IMAG
- Suggestion to alternate between meetings in DC and in conjunction of another scientific meeaning.
- Really like that people are going in depth scientifically – might not do that if the meeting was held in Bethesda for the funding agencies.
- Could 4-day meetings be held in Bethesda? Is it cost-prohibitive?
- Joint US-EU Meeting
- Concerns raised regarding funds
- Idea would be to promote collaborations among members in EU and EU
- Must be a focused topic - may have too many people involved
- What do people look for in a grantee meeting?
- This topic is not necessarily covered in other grantees meetings
- Getting into hard science top priority
- Want to form new scientific collaborations
- Want a chance to talk with other people
- How to improve international collaborations
- Should there be a mechanism specifically for international collaborations?
- Review culture hostile to international collaborations
3. MSM Mission and Charter, IMAG ONLY: MSM Mission and Charter
4. Updates from Working Groups 1-10
- Working Group 1:
- Too large to get anything useful out of it in its current form
- Working group 1 should be disbanded and should work with each other informally (?)
- Working Group 2: Media:WG2_-_2008.ppt
- Being public made it possible to reach out to new collaborators and have new collaborators reach out to them.
- Suggests having money available for collaborative projects.
- Because of the focus on collaborations, would like to remain a working group but meet less frequently (3-4 times per year)
- Marco to remain as lead
- Working Group 3: media:WG3.ppt
- WG3 combined with WG7
- Experience of having 2 leads was positive. Helps to tag-team in terms of motivation as well as due to time constraints of each individual
- Working Group 4:
- Workshop in '07 was the highlight of the working group
- Workshops/face-to-face settings are most useful, but time is a major hurdle
- Change name to multi-cell modeling?
- Suggest new ontology software on the wiki? (as a resource)
- Would like to continue the working group
- Working Group 5:
- WG was cancelled in '07, now combined with WG 8
- Merge theoretical and computational issues into one group.
- Working Group 6: media:Siam_08_Tiss_Mech_WG.ppt
- Would like to keep the group
- Works if working towards a concrete objective (last year working on IEEE article)
- Working Group 7: See WG3 updates
- Working Group 8:
- Working Group 9: Media:WG9_SIAM2008.ppt
- Working Group 10:media:WG10_Share_Standardize.ppt
- Most active WG at this moment.
- Isn't productive for new science but hopes to be a vehicle for new science
- Existence raises awareness of the need for standards
- Would like to keep the group
5. Evaluation, addition and removal of Working Groups
6. Working Group Schedule for next year
- September 2008 - WG1,
- October 2008 WG5/WG8/WG9 (move to 11/10/08)
- November 2008 - WG4
- December 2008 - WG2,
- January 2009 - WG1, WG10
- February 2009 - WG3/WG7,WG6/OpenSIM
- March 2009 WG6 WG5/WG8/WG9
- April 2009 - WG3/WG7, WG4
- May 2009 - WG2,WG10
- June 2009
7. Future directions of the MSM
- Has the Wiki enhanced the working group's function
- No: it is hard to find time to read and contribute to.
- May be a generation issue between young/experienced investigators due to availability of contacts and excitement over this type of technology.
- Could have pages per investigator to describe their work and what they look for in an investigator
- Perhaps organize IMAG around topics instead of the working groups
- Would an MSM "My-space" be abetter format?
- Wiki tends to be an archival format versus a dynamic page
- Log-in inhibits wiki use?
- Email as a stimulus to using the web?
- International Collaborations
- Karin Johansson: European Union looking to support investigators outside of the EU in the near future. Encourage MSM members to pursue EU funding.
- Contact EU representatives to find out about new opportunities for collaborations.
- Population Modeling
- Other opportunities and challenges
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