Networking Lunch

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All registered PhD students and research staff (Postdoc, Research Scientist, etc.) who are presenting a poster at the meeting are invited to have a lunch with IMAG program directors.

  • Trainees may use this time to discuss their research with IMAG program directors
  • IMAG program directors may use this time to provide grantsmanship tips and information on upcoming funding opportunities

Please order your lunch ahead of time!

IMAG Program Directors:

Leonardo Angelone: NIH-NIDA

Jennifer Couch: NIH-NCI

Fariba Fahroo: AFOSR

Emily Greenspan: NIH-NCI

Steven Lee: DOE

Elebeoba (Chi-Chi) May: NSF - BIO/MCB

David Miller: NIH-NCI

Virginia Pasour: ARL

Grace Peng: IMAG Chair, NIH-NIBIB, MSM Consortium

Rachel Slayton: CDC

Junping Wang: NSF - MPS/DMS

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