pollResults || 12-4-2018 BRAIN U19 Calcium Imaging Data Science Working Group

12/4/2018 poll results


14 polled

6 respondents


1. What is your most preferred method of substantive interaction with the subgroup?

(2 votes) A. Videoconference

(3 votes) B. Slack channel

(1 vote) C. Face-to-face meeting

(2 votes) D. Group email

E. Other:  ____________________


2. If videoconferencing is preferred, how frequently should the subgroup meet?

(0 votes) A. 6 times per year

(1 vote) B. 4 times per year

(2 votes) C. 2 times per year

(4 votes) D. 1 time per year

E. Other:  ____________________


3. What are your top 3 discussion topics of interest?

(1 vote) A. Spike inference methods

(3 votes) B. Overlapping source separation

(2 votes) C. Nuisance variables

(2 votes) D. Inferring circuit connectivity

(2 votes) E. Endoscopy

(4 votes) F. Benchmark comparisons of analytical methods

(3 votes) G. Data standards and harmonization

(1 vote) H. Data archiving

I. Other:  ____________________


4. Which discussion topic(s) might you be interested in serving as a videoconference session co-chair?


(2 people interested in co-chairing) Benchmark comparisons of analytical methods

(1 person interested in co-chairing) Other: Longitudinal imaging

(2 people interested in co-chairing) Inferring circuit connectivity

(1 person interested in co-chairing) Data standards and harmonization


5. In your unvarnished opinion, what is the highest priority item for this subgroup to accomplish over the next 1-2 years that would be worth your time?


"Benchmark comparisons of analytical methods: Lots of methods are being developed and the rate of new methods is only increasing. We need better ways to assess the validity of such methods and the consequence of the errors induced on the analyses of interest to the group."


"Clarification of goals/expectations for data and analysis standards/archiving."


"Highest priority topics (related) are automated analysis and how to compare 1-photon vs 2-photon in vivo imaging data types."


"Unclear, depends on the scientific questions of the members of this consortium."


"I would like adopt 2P imaging in free moving animals in my lab over the next one to two years."


"Define needed improvements in experiment design for extracting information about brain function from calcium recordings."


Douglas Kim

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