2021 IMAG-AND Agenda

Amplifying Impact by Nurturing Diversity (“IMAG-AND”)

Remote Access

Draft Agenda


Wednesday, March 17

8:00-8:30 am        Registration & Poster Set-up

8:30-8:45 am        Welcome: IMAG Chair, Grace Peng

Opening Remarks: Dr. Susan Gregurick, Director for Data Science, NIH

8:45-9:00 am        Session 1: Nurturing Diversity

                              Meeting Co-Chairs:  Silvia Blemker Shayn Peirce-Cottler

9:00-10:00 am      Panel Discussion

                              Moderator: Shayn Peirce-Cottler, Univ. of Virginia

Jennifer Linderman; Silvia Blemker; Michelle D. Jones-London; Irene Avila

10:00-10:30 am    Refreshments & Poster Viewing

10:30-11:45 am    Session 2: Diverse Contexts for Multiscale Modeling

                              Moderators: Ashlee Ford Versypt, Oklahoma State and

                                                 Aminul Islam, Oklahoma State

                              Belinda Akpa; Inez Lam; Kristin Myers; Aldo Badano

11:45 am -12:15 pm     Keynote: Charlene E. Le Fauve, Ph.D.

                                              Senior Advisor to the Chief NIH Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity

12:15-1:00 pm      Working lunch for attendeesImplicit Bias Workshop 

1:00-2:15 pm        Session 3: Diverse Approaches for Multiscale Modeling

                              Moderators: Bill Cannon, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and

                                                  Neeraj Kumar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Elana Fertig; Paul Macklin; Ali Khalilimeybodi, Stacey Finley

2:15-3:00 pm        Session 4Diverse Data and Model Credibility for Multiscale Modeling

                              Moderator: Jerry Meyers, NASA

                                  Jerry Meyers; Chani Hodonsky; Chyren Hunter

3:00-4:00 pm        Refreshments & Poster Viewing (Student Poster Competition for Group 1)       

5:00-6:15 pm         Happy Hour at conference hotel (Hyatt) with networking activities for mentor/mentee pairs

Thursday, March 18

8:00-8:30 am        Registration & poster set-up

8:30-8:45 am        Welcome: IMAG Chair, Grace Peng

Opening Remarks: Dr. Guru-Madhavan, National Academy of Engineering

8:45-9:45 am        Session 5: Diverse Funding for Multiscale Modeling

                              Moderator: Rossana Occhipinti, Case Western Reserve Univ.

                                    Kathy Richmond; Amanda Boyce; Elebeoba May; James Mack; Derrick Tabor

9:45-11:00 am      Refreshments & Poster Viewing (Student Poster Competition for Group 2)   

11:00 am - 12:00 pm    Session 6: Diverse Pedagogy for Multiscale Modeling

                              Moderators: Feilim Mac Gabhann, Johns Hopkins Univ.

                                                 Iraj Hosseini, Genentech

                                    Eric Sobie; Andrew McCulloch; Daniela Valdez-Jasso; Timothy Allen

12:00-1:00 pm      Working lunch for attendees: Stereotype Threat Workshop 

                                                                            led by Kristen Naegle, Ph.D., University of Virginia

                             Working lunch for Steering Committee and Working Groups


                  Diverse Impacts of Multiscale Modeling

                              Moderators: Elsje Pienaar, Purdue Univ. and

                                                 Kim Stevens, Purdue Univ.

2:20-2:30 pm        Closing remarks and announce winners of student presentation and poster competitions

2:30 pm                Meeting Adjourn



3:00-5:00 pm        1-on-1 meetings with IMAG agency program officers (by appointment only)

IMAG agency program officers

Ishmael Amarreh (NIH/NIMH)

Irene Avila (NIH/OD)

Andrea Beckel-Mitchener (NIH/NIMH)

Moria Bittmannn (NIH/NIBIB)

Rada Dagher (NIH/NIMHD)

Liz Ginexi (NIH/OBSSR)

Ilana Goldberg (NIH/NIBIB)

Laurel Kuxhaus (NSF/ENG)

Jerry Myers (NASA)

Grace Peng (NIH/NIBIB)