2nd Netflux and Logic-Based Network Biology Meeting

I invite you and your trainees to our 2nd virtual Netflux and Logic-Based Network Modeling Meeting on Jan 16, 1-5 pm ET.

Netflux enables students, experimental biologists, and computational biologists to develop and simulate computational models of biological networks. 

The meeting is for network modelers as well as students or experimental biologists interested in learning about user-friendly network modeling approaches. We will have a keynote lecture by Jay Humphrey (Yale), a live Netflux demo, and all accepted abstracts will get a short talk or lightning talk. This is a trainee-focused meeting, with 80% of registrants being new to logic-based network modeling.

Meeting information and free registration at: http://tinyurl.com/netfluxmeet

Meeting chair: Jeff Saucerman, jsaucerman@virginia.edu

Meeting Date
Meeting Location
Zoom, register for link
Abstract Deadline
Registration Deadline
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