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Speaker Charge:
- Introduce NASEM definition
- Convey principles of NASEM report: Realism, Fit-for-Purpose design leading to a system of systems mindset for long-term sustainability
- Present questions for BDT teams to consider
Critical Questions when Conceptualizing a BDT
- What is the problem you are trying to solve?
- How will a BDT solve this problem?
- What makes your BDT realistic?
- What enables your BDT to change and mature over time?
- What is the physical asset?
- What is the virtual asset?
- What information will be passed between the physical and virtual assets in real-time?
- What are the ethical issues that must be considered in developing and using this BDT?
Speaker Bio:
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Speaker Presentation:
Your name
Raj Vadigepalli
Your name
Raj Vadigepalli
Realizing the "System of Systems" vision by bringing together Digital Twin efforts across the community also requires "following standards" as important as VVUQ/Security/Ethics in the outer loop. Or else, the launch vehicle exit gate may not connect with the orbiter intake port, so to speak.
Your name
Raj Vadigepalli
How "real-time" is the real-time bidirectional interaction?
Do we have systematic or best practices to evaluate if the interaction is happening at the appropriate time scales? This becomes crucial in comparing different DTs that may take different approaches
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In the Digital Twin 'loop', the empty arrow around the Virtual Representation could be marked as connotating 'Standards'.