PARK, IL MEMMING (contact); PILLOW, JONATHAN WILLIAM Real-time statistical algorithms for controlling neural dynamics and behavior EB026946

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PARK, IL MEMMING (contact); PILLOW, JONATHAN WILLIAM Real-time statistical algorithms for controlling neural dynamics and behavior EB026946

1. Method for inferring latent dynamical system and neural state trajectory from spike trains. Real-time machine learning tool for time series visualization and dimensionality reduction.

2. Do low-dimensional continuous trajectories explain the spatiotemporal structure in the neural recordings? If so, what is the underlying dynamical system that governs the neural recording? How are the various task variables related to the neural recording via the low-dimensional manifold?

3. High-dimensional neural time series recorded while the animal is engaged in a simple behavior with simple stimulus and a small number of randomized task variables

4. Continuous recording in high-sampling frequency (500Hz or higher), sorted spike trains and multi-unit activities. Our method can run in real-time while the recording is happening.

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