Watch on the archived NIH Videocast:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Follow the Interactive Agenda.
Links to the Winning Top Model videos are here!
Online Booklet
(condensed version)
MSM Meeting Attendee and Presentation Info
March 15, 2019 Forbes Article by Bruce Lee, What Is Multi-Scale Modeling? How Can It Help Your Health?

MSM Co-Chairs: Bruce Lee and Jeff Holmes
Online Booklet
MSM Meeting Registration Main Page
Note: The login for the MSM Meeting Registration Pages are separate from the IMAG wiki login. If you have an existing IMAG wiki login, you may wish to use the same username and password to help you remember and stay logged in to both sites.
Attendee lists and final abstracts, posters and slides will be automatically posted under Attendee Information and Presentations after atttendee use the Submit Materials page
Building: William H. Natcher Building / Building 45 on the NIH main campus in Bethesda, MD.
Room: Ruth L. Kirschstein Auditorium (presentations); Atrium (posters)
Please allow adequate time to get to the NIH main campus and to get through security at the NIH Gateway Center Entrance.
You will need to obtain a visitors badge, so please bring a government-issued photo ID.
Walk directly from the Gateway Center (bldg 66) to Natcher (bldg 45) - see yellow highlight on
February 15, 2019 - Poster Abstract Submission Extended -- submit your abstracts here
Register and submit your abstracts at: 2019 IMAG MSM Meeting Registration. Each abstract will require a separate registered presenter. Please remember the email you used to create your registration login, so you can return to your own registration page to update your abstract submission and submit your final posters and presentations.
Posters: Posters should be at most 4 ft x 4 ft in size. (list of posters to be posted at a later date)
February 11, 2019 - Hotel Group Rate Deadline --
February 15, 2019 - Last day to register online (you may register onsite at the meeting)
March 1, 2019 - Lunch Orders Deadline-- Lunch Order Instructions
March 6, 2019 Dinner is limited to 90 seats -- Dinner Information