GENTEX On-Line Tutorial and Demonstration

What is GENTEX?

GENTEX Tutorial

GENTEX Reference Manual

Complete GENTEX User Guide

You should start with "What is GENTEX?" first, and read the instructions on running tutorials on-line carefully before you start it.
How to use the GENTEX on-line tutorial:

Click on the parameter file name in the tutorial and the model program will be started and sent to your screen. An example is shown below:

Exercise:    Input functions   (Parameter file 1input.par)

You must have a X-server installed on your local machine. You can use a UNIX system, or a Window PC or a Macintosh running X-server. Click here for a collection of commercial and free X-servers for PC and Macintosh.

UNIX users need to issue the command "xhost" on your local machine before starting the demo programs.

The demo program may take a few minutes to show up on your screen if you have slow internet connection.