JSim v1.1

// This is a JSIM.mod adaptation of the C-code detailed below.

// It has been substantially modified, converting many of

// the expressions into ordinary differential equations.

// Rapid equilibria have been transformed into "fast" ODE's

// in order to avoid iterative procedures, complex polynomial

// solutions, etc.

// This adaptation was done by Gary M. Raymond

// December 12, 2001

// Original "C" code from

// http://www.cwru.edu/med/CBRTC/LRdOnline/LRdModel.c


// Technique: C-code was basically adapted, block for block.

// C subroutines for currents were converted to ordinary differential

// equations where necessary. Stimulus was replaced by JSIM's

// external function (extern real st(t);). Information pertaining to

// step size was removed and replaced by JSIM's realDomain t.

// Recording of maximum excursions and a beat by beat basis was

// deleted. Double declarations (C construct) were replaced by

// real declarations (JSIM's MML construct which are double precision

// variables.) The C subroutines were converted to inline code

// and placed earlier in the structure. Fast equilibria were

// were replaced by ODE's to avoid solving quadratic and cubic

// equations--the special innovation of the LR model.


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------


// ****************************


// ****************************


// The Luo-Rudy Dynamic (LRd) Model of the Mammalian Ventricular Myocyte

// Gregory Faber

// This code requires a C++ compiler

// Detailed list of equations and model description are provided in


// Circ Res 1991;68:1501-1526

// Circ Res 1994;74:1071-1096

// Circ Res 1994;74:1097-1113

// Circ Res 1995;77:140-152

// Biophys J 1995;68:949-964

// Cardiovasc Res 1997;35:256-272

// Circulation 1999;99:2466-2474

// Cardiovas Res 1999;42:530-542

// Nature 1999;400:566-569

// Circulation 2000;101:1192-1198

// Biophy J 2000;78:2392-2404


math LRd {

realDomain t; t.min=0.0; t.max = 1000; t.delta=0.1;



// List of variables and paramaters (this code uses all global variables)



// Cell Geometry

real l = 0.01; // Length of the cell (cm)

real a = 0.0011; // Radius of the cell (cm)

real pi = 3.141592; // Pi

real vcell; // Cell volume (uL)

real ageo; // Geometric membrane area (cm^2)

real acap; // Capacitive membrane area (cm^2)

real vmyo; // Myoplasm volume (uL)

real vmito; // Mitochondria volume (uL)

real vsr; // SR volume (uL)

real vnsr; // NSR volume (uL)

real vjsr; // JSR volume (uL)

real vcleft; // Cleft volume (uL)

// Voltage

real v(t); // Membrane voltage (mV)

real dvdt(t); // Change in Voltage / Change in Time (mV/ms)

real boolean(t); // boolean condition to test for dvdtmax

// Total Current and Stimulus

extern real st(t); // External function for stimulus (uA/cm^2)

real it(t); // Total current (uA/cm^2)


// Terms for Solution of Conductance and Reversal Potential

real R = 8314; // Universal Gas Constant (J/kmol*K)

real frdy = 96485; // Faraday's Constant (C/mol)

real temp = 310; // Temperature (K)

real RToF = R*temp/frdy; // RT over F

real FoRT = 1/RToF; // FoRT


// Ion Valences

real zna = 1; // Na valence

real zk = 1; // K valence

real zca = 2; // Ca valence


// Ion Concentrations

real nai(t); // Intracellular Na Concentration (mM)

real nao(t); // Extracellular Na Concentration (mM)

real nabm(t); // Bulk Medium Na Concentration (mM)

real dnao(t); // Change in Cleft Na Concentration (mM)

real ki(t); // Intracellular K Concentration (mM)

real ko(t); // Extracellular K Concentration (mM)

real kbm(t); // Bulk Medium K Concentration (mM)

real dko(t); // Change in Cleft K Concentration (mM)

real cai(t); // Intracellular Ca Concentration (mM)

real cao(t); // Extracellular Ca Concentration (mM)

real cabm(t); // Bulk Medium Ca Concentration (mM)

real dcao(t); // Change in Cleft Ca Concentration (mM)

real cmdn(t); // Calmodulin Buffered Ca Concentration (mM)

real trpn(t); // Troponin Buffered Ca Concentration (mM)

real nsr(t); // NSR Ca Concentration (mM)

real Cjsr(t); // JSR Ca Concentration (mM)

real csqn(t); // Calsequestrin Buffered Ca Concentration (mM)

real taudiff = 1000; //Diffusion Constant for Ion Movement from Bulk Medium to Cleft Space


// Myoplasmic Na Ion Concentration Changes

real naiont(t); // Total Na Ion Flow (uA/uF)

real dnai(t); // Change in Intracellular Na Concentration (mM)


// Myoplasmic K Ion Concentration Changes

real kiont(t); // Total K Ion Flow (uA/uF)

real dki(t); // Change in Intracellular K Concentration (mM)


// NSR Ca Ion Concentration Changes

real dnsr(t); // Change in [Ca] in the NSR (mM)

real iup(t); // Ca uptake from myo. to NSR (mM/ms)

real ileak(t); // Ca leakage from NSR to myo. (mM/ms)

real kleak; // Rate constant of Ca leakage from NSR (ms^-1)

real kmup = 0.00092; // Half-saturation concentration of iup (mM)

real iupbar = 0.00875; // Max. current through iup channel (mM/ms)

real nsrbar = 15; // Max. [Ca] in NSR (mM)

// JSR Ca Ion Concentration Changes

real djsr(t); // Change in [Ca] in the JSR (mM)

real tauon = 2; // Time constant of activation of Ca release from JSR (ms)

real tauoff = 2; // Time constant of deactivation of Ca release from JSR (ms)

// real tcicr(t); // t=0 at time of CICR (ms)

real irelcicr(t); // Ca release from JSR to myo. due to CICR (mM/ms)

real csqnth = 8.75;// Threshold for release of Ca from CSQN due to JSR overload (mM)

real gmaxrel = 150;// Max. rate constant of Ca release from JSR due to overload (ms^-1)

real grelbarjsrol; // Rate constant of Ca release from JSR due to overload (ms^-1)

// real greljsrol(t); // Rate constant of Ca release from JSR due to CICR (ms^-1)

// real tjsrol(t); // t=0 at time of JSR overload (ms)

// real ireljsrol(t); // Ca release from JSR to myo. due to JSR overload (mM/ms)

real csqnbar = 10; // Max. [Ca] buffered in CSQN (mM)

real kmcsqn = 0.8; // Equilibrium constant of buffering for CSQN (mM)

// real on(t); // Time constant of activation of Ca release from JSR (ms)

// real off(t); // Time constant of deactivation of Ca release from JSR (ms)

// real magrel(t); // Magnitude of Ca release

// real dcaiont; // Rate of change of Ca entry

// real dcaiontnew; // New rate of change of Ca entry

// real caiontold; // Old rate of change of Ca entry


// Translocation of Ca Ions from NSR to JSR

real itr(t); // Translocation current of Ca ions from NSR to JSR (mM/ms)

real tautr = 180; // Time constant of Ca transfer from NSR to JSR (ms)

// Myoplasmic Ca Ion Concentration Changes

real caiont(t); // Total Ca Ion Flow (uA/uF)

real dcai(t); // Change in myoplasmic Ca concentration (mM)

real catotal(t); // Total myoplasmic Ca concentration (mM)


real cmdnbar = 0.050; // Max. [Ca] buffered in CMDN (mM)

real trpnbar = 0.070; // Max. [Ca] buffered in TRPN (mM)

real kmcmdn = 0.00238; // Equilibrium constant of buffering for CMDN (mM)

real kmtrpn = 0.0005; // Equilibrium constant of buffering for TRPN (mM)


// Fast Sodium Current (time dependent)

real ina(t); // Fast Na Current (uA/uF)

real gna; // Max. Conductance of the Na Channel (mS/uF)

real ena(t); // Reversal Potential of Na (mV)

real am(t); // Na alpha-m rate constant (ms^-1)

real bm(t); // Na beta-m rate constant (ms^-1)

real ah(t); // Na alpha-h rate constant (ms^-1)

real bh(t); // Na beta-h rate constant (ms^-1)

real aj(t); // Na alpha-j rate constant (ms^-1)

real bj(t); // Na beta-j rate constant (ms^-1)

real m(t); // Na activation

real h(t); // Na inactivation

real j(t); // Na inactivation


// Current through L-type Ca Channel

real ilca(t); // Ca current through L-type Ca channel (uA/uF)

real ilcana(t); // Na current through L-type Ca channel (uA/uF)

real ilcak(t) ; // K current through L-type Ca channel (uA/uF)

real ilcatot(t); // Total current through the L-type Ca channel (uA/uF)

real ibarca(t) ; // Max. Ca current through Ca channel (uA/uF)

real ibarna(t) ; // Max. Na current through Ca channel (uA/uF)

real ibark(t); // Max. K current through Ca channel (uA/uF)

real d(t); // Voltage dependent activation gate

real dss(t); // Steady-state value of activation gate d

real taud(t); // Time constant of gate d (ms^-1)

real f(t); // Voltage dependent inactivation gate

real fss(t); // Steady-state value of inactivation gate f

real tauf(t); // Time constant of gate f (ms^-1)

real fca(t); // Ca dependent inactivation gate

real kmca = 0.0006; // Half-saturation concentration of Ca channel (mM)

real pca = 0.00054; // Permiability of membrane to Ca (cm/s)

real gacai = 1; // Activity coefficient of Ca

real gacao = 0.341; // Activity coefficient of Ca

real pna = 0.000000675; // Permiability of membrane to Na (cm/s)

real ganai = 0.75; // Activity coefficient of Na

real ganao = 0.75; // Activity coefficient of Na

real pk = 0.000000193; // Permiability of membrane to K (cm/s)

real gaki = 0.75; // Activity coefficient of K

real gako = 0.75; // Activity coefficient of K


// Current through T-type Ca Channel

real icat(t); // Ca current through T-type Ca channel (uA/uF)

real gcat; // Max. Conductance of the T-type Ca channel (mS/uF)

real eca(t); // Reversal Potential of the T-type Ca channel (mV)

real b(t); // Voltage dependent activation gate

real bss(t); // Steady-state value of activation gate b

real taub(t); // Time constant of gate b (ms^-1)

real g(t); // Voltage dependent inactivation gate

real gss(t); // Steady-state value of inactivation gate g

real taug(t); // Time constant of gate g (ms^-1)


// Rapidly Activating Potassium Current

real ikr(t); // Rapidly Activating K Current (uA/uF)

real gkr(t); // Channel Conductance of Rapidly Activating K Current (mS/uF)

real ekr(t); // Reversal Potential of Rapidly Activating K Current (mV)

real xr(t); // Rapidly Activating K time-dependent activation

real xrss(t); // Steady-state value of inactivation gate xr

real tauxr(t); // Time constant of gate xr (ms^-1)

real rkt(t); // K time-independent inactivation (formerly named r,

// conflict with name R

// Slowly Activating Potassium Current

real iks(t); // Slowly Activating K Current (uA/uF)

real gks(t); // Channel Conductance of Slowly Activating K Current (mS/uF)

real eks(t); // Reversal Potential of Slowly Activating K Current (mV)

real xs1(t); // Slowly Activating K time-dependent activation

real xs1ss(t); // Steady-state value of inactivation gate xs1

real tauxs1(t); // Time constant of gate xs1 (ms^-1)

real xs2(t); // Slowly Activating K time-dependent activation

real xs2ss(t); // Steady-state value of inactivation gate xs2

real tauxs2(t); // Time constant of gate xs2 (ms^-1)

real prnak = 0.01833; // Na/K Permiability Ratio

// Potassium Current (time-independent)

real iki(t); // Time-independent K current (uA/uF)

real gki(t); // Channel Conductance of Time Independent K Current (mS/uF)

real eki(t); // Reversal Potential of Time Independent K Current (mV)

real aki(t); // K alpha-ki rate constant (ms^-1)

real bki(t); // K beta-ki rate constant (ms^-1)

real kin(t); // K inactivation


// Plateau Potassium Current

real ikp(t); // Plateau K current (uA/uF)

real gkp; // Channel Conductance of Plateau K Current (mS/uF)

real ekp(t); // Reversal Potential of Plateau K Current (mV)

real kp(t); // K plateau factor


// Na-Activated K Channel

real ikna(t); // Na activated K channel

real pona(t); // Open probability dependent on Nai

real pov(t); // Open probability dependent on Voltage

real ekna(t); // Reversal potential

real gkna = 0.12848; // Maximum conductance (mS/uF)

real nkna = 2.8; // Hill coefficient for Na dependance

real kdkna = 66; // Dissociation constant for Na dependance(mM)

// ATP-Sensitive K Channel

real ikatp(t); // ATP-sensitive K current (uA/uF)

real ekatp(t); // K reversal potential (mV)

real gkbaratp(t); // Conductance of the ATP-sensitive K channel (mS/uF)

real gkatp; // Maximum conductance of the ATP-sensitive K channel (mS/uF)

real patp; // Percentage availibility of open channels

real natp = 0.24; // K dependence of ATP-sensitive K current

real nicholsarea = 0.00005; // Nichol's areas (cm^2)

real atpi = 3; // Intracellular ATP concentraion (mM)

real hatp = 2; // Hill coefficient

real katp = 0.250; // Half-maximal saturation point of ATP-sensitive K current (mM)

// Ito Transient Outward Current (Dumaine et al. Circ Res 1999;85:803-809)

real ito(t); // Transient outward current

real gitodv; // Maximum conductance of Ito

real ekdv(t); // Reversal Potential of Ito

real rvdv(t); // Time independent voltage dependence of Ito

real zdv(t); // Ito activation

real azdv(t); // Ito alpha-z rate constant

real bzdv(t); // Ito beta-z rate constant

real tauzdv(t); // Time constant of z gate

real zssdv(t); // Steady-state value of z gate

real ydv(t); // Ito inactivation

real aydv(t); // Ito alpha-y rate constant

real bydv(t); // Ito beta-y rate constant

real tauydv(t); // Time constant of y gate

real yssdv(t); // Steady-state value of y gate

// Sodium-Calcium Exchanger V-S

real inaca(t); // NaCa exchanger current (uA/uF)

real c1 = 0.00025; // Scaling factor for inaca (uA/uF)

real c2 = 0.0001; // Half-saturation concentration of NaCa exhanger (mM)

real gammas = 0.15; // Position of energy barrier controlling voltage dependance of inaca


// Sodium-Potassium Pump

real inak(t); // NaK pump current (uA/uF)

real fnak(t); // Voltage-dependance parameter of inak

real sigma(t); // [Na]o dependance factor of fnak

real ibarnak = 2.25; // Max. current through Na-K pump (uA/uF)

real kmnai = 10; // Half-saturation concentration of NaK pump (mM)

real kmko = 1.5; // Half-saturation concentration of NaK pump (mM)

// Nonspecific Ca-activated Current

real insna(t); // Non-specific Na current (uA/uF)

real insk(t); // Non-specific K current (uA/uF)

real ibarnsna(t); // Max. Na current through NSCa channel (uA/uF)

real ibarnsk(t); // Max. K current through NSCa channel (uA/uF)

real pnsca = 0.000000175; // Permiability of channel to Na and K (cm/s)

real kmnsca = 0.0012; // Half-saturation concentration of NSCa channel (mM)


// Sarcolemmal Ca Pump

real ipca(t); // Sarcolemmal Ca pump current (uA/uF)

real ibarpca = 1.15; // Max. Ca current through sarcolemmal Ca pump (uA/uF)

real kmpca = 0.0005; // Half-saturation concentration of sarcolemmal Ca pump (mM)

// Ca Background Current

real icab(t); // Ca background current (uA/uF)

real gcab; // Max. conductance of Ca background (mS/uF)

real ecan(t); // Nernst potential for Ca (mV)


// Na Background Current

real inab(t); // Na background current (uA/uF)

real gnab; // Max. conductance of Na background (mS/uF)

real enan(t); // Nernst potential for Na (mV)


// Cell Geometry

vcell = 1000*pi*a*a*l; // 3.801e-5 uL

ageo = 2*pi*a*a+2*pi*a*l; // 7.671e-5 cm^2

acap = ageo*2; // 1.534e-4 cm^2

vmyo = vcell*0.68;

vmito = vcell*0.26;

vsr = vcell*0.06;

vnsr = vcell*0.0552;

vjsr = vcell*0.0048;

vcleft = vcell*0.12/0.88;

// Beginning Ion Concentrations

nabm = 140; // Initial Bulk Medium Na (mM)

kbm = 4.5; // Initial Bulk Medium K (mM)

cabm = 1.8; // Initial Bulk Medium Ca (mM)

when(t=t.min) {

v = -90; // Initial Voltage (mv)

nai = 9; // Initial Intracellular Na (mM)

nao = 140; // Initial Extracellular Na (mM)

ki = 141.2; // Initial Intracellular K (mM)

ko = 4.5; // Initial Extracellular K (mM)

cai = 0.00006; // Initial Intracellular Ca (mM)

cao = 1.8; // Initial Extracellular Ca (mM)


//Initial Gate Conditions

m = 0.0008;

h = 0.993771;

j = 0.995727;

d = 3.210618e-06;

f = 0.999837;

xs1 = 0.00445683;

xs2 = 0.00445683;

xr = 0.000124042;

b = 0.000970231;

g = 0.994305;

zdv = 0.0120892;

ydv = 0.999978;


// Initial Conditions

when(t=t.min) {

grelbarjsrol = 4;

// tjsrol = 25;

// tcicr = 25;

Cjsr = 1.838;

nsr = 1.838;

trpn = 0.0143923;

cmdn = 0.00257849;

csqn = 6.97978;


boolean = 1;


// void comp_ina

// *******************************

// * Calculates Fast Na Current *

// *******************************


gna = 16; //c

ena = RToF*ln(nao/nai); //c

am = if( v<>-47.13) 0.32*(v+47.13)/(1-exp(-0.1*(v+47.13))) else 3.2; //c

bm = 0.08*exp(-v/11); //c

ah = if(v < -40) 0.135*exp((80+v)/-6.8) else 0;

bh = if(v < -40) 3.56*exp(0.079*v)+310000*exp(0.35*v)

else 1/(0.13*(1+exp(-(v+10.66)/11.1)));


aj = if(v < -40)




bj = if(v < 40) (0.1212*exp(-0.01052*v))/(1+exp(-0.1378*(v+40.14)))




m:t = am*(1-m)-bm*m;

h:t = ah*(1-h)-bh*h;

j:t = aj*(1-j)-b*j;

ina = gna*m*m*m*h*j*(v-ena);


// void comp_ical

// **************************************************

// * Calculates Currents through L-Type Ca Channel *

// **************************************************


dss = 1/(1+exp(-(v+10)/6.24));

taud = dss*(1-exp(-(v+10)/6.24))/(0.035*(v+10));


fss = (1/(1+exp((v+32)/8)))+(0.6/(1+exp((50-v)/20)));

tauf = 1/(0.0197*exp(-( (0.0337*(v+10))^2) )+0.02);


d:t = (dss-d)/taud;

f:t = (fss-f)/tauf;

ibarca = pca*zca*zca*((v*frdy)*FoRT)



ibarna = pna*zna*zna*((v*frdy)*FoRT)



ibark = pk*zk*zk*((v*frdy)*FoRT)



fca = 1/(1+cai/kmca);

// COMMENT BY GM RAYMOND: in Circ.Res 1994; 74:1071-1096, page 1090

// above equation is given as

// fca = 1/(1+(cai/kmca)^2) Noted Oct 22, 2003. The exponent is

// missing from the C-code for this model.



ilca = d*f*fca*ibarca;

ilcana = d*f*fca*ibarna;

ilcak = d*f*fca*ibark;

ilcatot = ilca+ilcana+ilcak;


// void comp_icat

// **************************************************

// * Calculates Currents through T-Type Ca Channel *

// **************************************************


bss = 1/(1+exp(-(v+14)/10.8));

taub = 3.7+6.1/(1+exp((v+25)/4.5));


gss = 1/(1+exp((v+60)/5.6));

taug =if (v<=0) -0.875*v+12 else 12;

b:t = (bss-b)/taub;

g:t = (gss-g)/taug;

gcat = 0.05;

eca = (R*temp/(2*frdy))*ln(cao/cai);

icat = gcat*b*b*g*(v-eca);


// void comp_ikr

// ********************************************

// * Calculates Rapidly Activating K Current *

// ********************************************

gkr = 0.02614*sqrt(ko/5.4);

ekr = RToF*ln(ko/ki);

xrss = 1/(1+exp(-(v+21.5)/7.5));

tauxr = if( v=-14.2) 85.83033208 else

if( v=-38.9) 168.8410495 else




xr:t = (xrss-xr)/tauxr;

// variable rkt replaces variable r because of name conflict with R

rkt = 1/(1+exp((v+9)/22.4));

ikr = gkr*xr*rkt*(v-ekr);


// void comp_iks

// *******************************************

// * Calculates Slowly Activating K Current *

// *******************************************


gks = 0.433*(1 +0.6/(1+ (0.000038/cai)^1.4 ));

eks = RToF*ln((ko+prnak*nao)/(ki+prnak*nai));

xs1ss = 1/(1+exp(-(v-1.5)/16.7));

xs2ss = xs1ss;

tauxs1 = if (v=-30.0) 417.9462527 else




tauxs2 = 4*tauxs1;

xs1:t = (xs1ss-xs1)/tauxs1;

xs2:t = (xs2ss-xs2)/tauxs2;

iks = gks*xs1*xs2*(v-eks);


// void comp_iki

// ******************************************

// * Calculates Time-Independent K Current *

// ******************************************



gki = 0.75*(sqrt(ko/5.4));

eki = RToF*ln(ko/ki);


aki = 1.02/(1+exp(0.2385*(v-eki-59.215)));

bki = (0.49124*exp(0.08032*(v-eki+5.476))



kin = aki/(aki+bki);

iki = gki*kin*(v-eki) ;

/* winslow formulat below



eki = RToF*ln(ko/ki);

gki = 0.75*(sqrt(ko/5.4));

real kmk1 = 13.0; // mmol/L

kin = 1/(2+exp(1.5*FoRT*(v-eki)));

iki = gki*kin*( ko/(ko+kmk1) )*(v-eki);



// void comp_ikp

// *********************************

// * Calculates Plateau K Current *

// *********************************


gkp = 0.00552;

ekp = eki;

kp = 1/(1+exp((7.488-v)/5.98));

ikp = gkp*kp*(v-ekp);


// void comp_ikna

// **************************************

// * Calculates Na-activated K Current *

// **************************************

// This current was commented out in the C-code with the annotation

// "curents commented out are only used when modeling pathological

// conditions"

real ikna_switch =0; // add ikna_switch, preset to zero to match

// C-code


ekna = RToF*ln(ko/ki) ;

pona = 0.85/(1+(kdkna/nai)^2.8) ;

pov = 0.8-0.65/(1+exp((v+125)/15)) ;

ikna = if(ikna_switch=1) gkna*pona*pov*(v-ekna) else 0;


// void comp_ikatp

// ***************************************

// * Calculates ATP-Sensitive K Current *

// ***************************************

// Note: If you wish to use this current in your simulations, there are additional //

// changes which must be made to the code as detailed in Cardiovasc Res 1997;35:256-272 //


// This current was commented out in the C-code with the annotation

// "curents commented out are only used when modeling pathological

// conditions"

real ikatp_switch =0; // add ikatp_switch, preset to zero to match

// C-code


ekatp = RToF*ln(ko/ki) ;

gkatp = 0.000195/nicholsarea;

patp = 1/(1+ (atpi/katp)^hatp ) ;

gkbaratp = gkatp*patp*(ko/4)^natp;

ikatp = if(ikatp_switch=1) gkbaratp*(v-ekatp) else 0;


// void comp_ito

// *****************************************

// * Calculates Transient Outward Current *

// *****************************************

// This current was commented out in the C-code with the annotation

// "curents commented out are only used when modeling pathological

// conditions"

real ito_switch =0; // add ito_switch, preset to zero to match

// C-code


gitodv = 0.5 ;

ekdv = RToF*ln((ko)/(ki)) ;

rvdv = exp(v/100) ;

azdv = (10*exp((v-40)/25))/(1+exp((v-40)/25)) ;

bzdv = (10*exp(-(v+90)/25))/(1+exp(-(v+90)/25)) ;

tauzdv = 1/(azdv+bzdv) ;

zssdv = azdv/(azdv+bzdv) ;

zdv:t = (zssdv-zdv)/tauzdv ;


aydv = 0.015/(1+exp((v+60)/5)) ;

bydv = (0.1*exp((v+25)/5))/(1+exp((v+25)/5)) ;

tauydv = 1/(aydv+bydv) ;

yssdv = aydv/(aydv+bydv) ;

ydv:t = (yssdv-ydv)/tauydv ;

ito = if(ito_switch=1) gitodv*zdv*zdv*zdv*ydv*rvdv*(v-ekdv) else 0;


// void comp_inaca

// ***************************************

// * Calculates Na-Ca Exchanger Current *

// ***************************************

inaca = c1*exp((gammas-1)*v*FoRT)






// void comp_inak

// *********************************

// * Calculates Na-K Pump Current *

// *********************************

sigma = (exp(nao/67.3)-1)/7;


fnak = 1/(1+0.1245*exp((-0.1*v)*FoRT)+0.0365*sigma*exp((-v)*FoRT));


inak = ibarnak*fnak*(1/(1+(kmnai/nai)^2))*(ko/(ko+kmko));


// void comp_insca

// *************************************************

// * Calculates Non-Specific ca-Activated Current *

// *************************************************

// This current was commented out in the C-code with the annotation

// "curents commented out are only used when modeling pathological

// conditions"

real insca_switch =0; // add insca_switch, preset to zero to match

// C-code


ibarnsna = if( v<>0) pnsca*zna*zna*((v*frdy)*FoRT)




zna*frdy*pnsca*ganai*nai - zna*frdy*pnsca*ganao*nao ;


ibarnsk = if( v<>0) pnsca*zk*zk*((v*frdy)*FoRT)




zk*frdy*pnsca*gaki*ki - zk*frdy*pnsca*gako*ko;


insna = if(insca_switch=1) ibarnsna/(1+(kmnsca/cai)^3) else 0;

insk = if(insca_switch=1) ibarnsk /(1+(kmnsca/cai)^3) else 0;


// void comp_ipca

// *******************************************

// * Calculates Sarcolemmal Ca Pump Current *

// *******************************************


ipca = (ibarpca*cai)/(kmpca+cai);


// void comp_icab

// *************************************

// * Calculates Ca Background Current *

// *************************************


gcab = 0.003016;

ecan = (RToF/2)*ln(cao/cai);

icab = gcab*(v-ecan);


// void comp_inab

// *************************************

// * Calculates Na Background Current *

// *************************************


gnab = 0.004;

enan = ena;

inab = gnab*(v-enan);


// void comp_it

// *****************************

// * Calculates Total Current *

// *****************************


// Total sum of currents is calculated here, if the time is between stimtime = 0

// and stimtime = 0.5, a stimulus is applied


// Comment from Gary Raymond, most of the code in this section was replaced

// by a simpler construct, it=st+naiont+kiont+caiont, and st is the

// stimulus controlled as an external function.


naiont = ina+inab+ilcana+insna+3*inak+3*inaca;

kiont = ikr+iks+iki+ikp+ilcak+insk-2*inak+ito+ikna+ikatp;

caiont = ilca+icab+ipca-2*inaca+icat;

// it = st+naiont+kiont+caiont; // changed by Anamika Sarkar

it = naiont+kiont+caiont;


// void conc_nai

// ***************************************************

// * Calculates new myoplasmic Na ion concentration *

// ***************************************************


// The units of dnai is in mM. Note that naiont should be multiplied by the

// cell capacitance to get the correct units. Since cell capacitance = 1 uF/cm^2,

// it doesn't explicitly appear in the equation below.

// This holds true for the calculation of dki and dcai.


dnai = (naiont*acap)/(vmyo*zna*frdy);

nai:t = dnai ;


// void conc_ki

// **************************************************

// * Calculates new myoplasmic K ion concentration *

// **************************************************


dki = -((kiont+st)*acap)/(vmyo*zk*frdy);


ki:t = dki;


// void conc_nsr

// ********************************************

// * Calculates new NSR Ca ion concentration *

// ********************************************


kleak = iupbar/nsrbar;

ileak = kleak*nsr;


iup = iupbar*cai/(cai+kmup);


dnsr = (iup-ileak-itr*vjsr/vnsr);

nsr:t = dnsr;


// void conc_jsr

// ********************************************

// * Calculates new JSR Ca ion concentration *

// ********************************************


// Comment from Gary Raymond

// This section (routine) of the code could use some serious

// documentation because it is not obvious to me what was being

// done.

// Temporarily left undone.


// There are two specialized currents in this section

// irelcicr and ireljsrol.

// What is needed is a complete analysis of both and their

// interaction with the stimulus being applied.

// Part of the analysis is determining the stimulus being applied

// through an analysis of the C-code.


// Analysis: The current irelcicr gets initialized

// when v>-35 mV and dcai(t)<dcai(t-dt) and boolean is off

// at this point boolean gets set on

// and tcicr is initialized to zero. This is tied into

// the stimulus


/* dcaiontnew = (caiont-caiontold)/dt;


if(v>-35 && dcaiontnew<dcaiont && boolean==0)

{boolean = 1;

tcicr = 0;}

on = 1/(1+exp((-tcicr+4)/.5));

off = (1-1/(1+exp((-tcicr+4)/.5)));

magrel = 1/(1+exp(((ilca+icab+ipca-2*inaca+icat)+5)/0.9));

irelcicr = gmaxrel*on*off*magrel*(Cjsr-cai);


tcicr = tcicr+dt;


// Replace this block with code from wjr3.mod


real ta(t), tb=0 ;

tjsrol = t-tb;

ta = if(csqn>csqnth and tjsrol>50) t else 0;

greljsrol = grelbarjsrol*(1-exp(-tjsrol/tauon))*exp(-tjsrol/tauoff);

ireljsrol = if(t>50) greljsrol*(Cjsr-cai) else 0;


on = 1/(1+exp((-tjsrol+4)/.5));

off = (1-1/(1+exp((-tjsrol+4)/.5)));

magrel = 1/(1+exp(((ilca+icab+ipca-2*inaca+icat)+5)/0.9));

irelcicr = if (t>50) gmaxrel*on*off*magrel*(Cjsr-cai) else 0;


// NEW CODE FROM wrj3.mod

real factor =1;

real gbarSRrel0=2;

real gbarSRrel = gbarSRrel0*factor; // ms^(-1);

real kap = 12.15*10^9*factor; // mM^(-4)*ms^(-1);

real kam = 0.576*factor; // ms^(-1);

real kbp = 4.05*10^6*factor; // mM^(-3)*ms(-1);

real zkbm = 1.930*factor; // ms^(-1);

real kcp = 0.1*factor; // ms^(-1);

real kcm = 0.0008*factor; // ms^(-1);

real ncoop = 4; //

real mcoop = 3; //

real ssloss=1*factor; // ms^(-1);

real vss = 0.01*vjsr;

real PC1(t), PO1(t), PO2(t), PC2(t), Jrel(t);

when (t=t.min) {






PC1:t = -kap*cai^4*PC1+kam*PO1; //(A.72)

PO1:t = kap*cai^4*PC1-kam*PO1-kbp*cai^3*PO1

+ zkbm*PO2-kcp*PO1+kcm*PC2; //(A.73)

PO2:t = kbp*cai^3*PO1-zkbm*PO2; //(A.74)

PC2:t = kcp*PO1-kcm*PC2; //(A.75)

Jrel = gbarSRrel*(PO1+PO2)*(Cjsr-cai); //(A.76)

irelcicr =-Jrel ; // /vjsr; // note modification here


// Replacing quadratic solution with two ODE's

real acsqn = 1.0e06,

bcsqn = acsqn*kmcsqn;

csqn:t=(csqnbar-csqn)*Cjsr*acsqn -csqn*bcsqn;

djsr = itr-irelcicr; // -ireljsrol ;

Cjsr:t = djsr -( (csqnbar-csqn)*Cjsr*acsqn -csqn*bcsqn) ;


// void calc_itr

// ***************************************************

// * Calculates Translocation of Ca from NSR to JSR *

// ***************************************************

itr = (nsr-Cjsr)/tautr;


// void conc_cai

// ***************************************************

// * Calculates new myoplasmic Ca ion concentration *

// ***************************************************

dcai = (-1.0)*(((caiont*acap)/(vmyo*zca*frdy))



// -(ireljsrol*vjsr/vmyo));

real atrpn = 1.0e06,

btrpn = atrpn*kmtrpn,

acmdn = 1.0e06,

bcmdn = acmdn*kmcmdn;

cmdn:t=(cmdnbar-cmdn)*cai*acmdn -cmdn*bcmdn;

trpn:t=(trpnbar-trpn)*cai*atrpn -trpn*btrpn;

cai:t= dcai

-( (cmdnbar-cmdn)*cai*acmdn -cmdn*bcmdn

+(trpnbar-trpn)*cai*atrpn -trpn*btrpn );

catotal = trpn+cmdn+cai;


// void conc_cleft

// ********************************************

// * Calculates new cleft ion concentrations *

// ********************************************


dnao = ((nabm-nao)/taudiff+naiont*acap/(vcleft*frdy));

nao:t = dnao;

dko = ((kbm-ko)/taudiff+kiont*acap/(vcleft*frdy));

ko:t = dko;

dcao = ((cabm-cao)/taudiff+caiont*acap/(vcleft*frdy*2));

cao:t = dcao;


// Equation for Voltage


// v:t = -it;

// dvdt = -it;

v:t = st-it; // changed by Dr. Sarkar

dvdt = st-it;

/* if(csqn>=csqnth && tjsrol>50)

{grelbarjsrol = 4;

tjsrol = 0;

cout << "Spontaneous Release occured at time " << t << endl;


caiontold = caiont;

dcaiont = dcaiontnew;

