
Virtual Physiological Human

A Vision and Strategy for the VPH (Feb 2011) 

VPH Papers

VPH Reports

VPH VideoVPH Ted Talk



VPH Institute position statement on animal experimentation

Can we use computer simulations to replace (at least partially) animal experiments? The answer is YES! We believe that the principles of virtual modeling technologies provided by the VPH can be applied to animal experimentation and help reducing the number of animals used.
More Information


Further information on preDICT: preDICT stands for ‘Computational prediction of drug cardiac toxicity’ (preDICT). Many drugs fail to reach the market because of side effects on the heart. The principal objective of this proposal is to create an advanced computational technology for in silico assessment of the efficacy and safety of specific drugs [ICT-2007.5.3(c) (3)], i.e. an open environment comprising validated computational models, tools and numerical methods that will enable simulations of drug actions on the electrophysiology of the human heart. For further information on preDICT please click here.

Newsletters Funding Opportunities

Horizon 2020 Funding

The call 2014 is open and the deadline will be 15th of April for the topics with evaluation in one stage and 11th of March, if 2 stages (19 August for the second phase of the evaluation).

In these calls, the US partners can participate and be reimbursed. Of course a good motivation is needed, but this is a big difference with the previous calls.

More Information

Personalising health and care

Advancing bioinformatics to meet biomedical and clinical needs Deadline: 2014-03-11

Self management of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth Deadline: 2014-04-15

Self management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself Deadline: 2015-04-21

Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment Deadline: 2015-04-21


VPH2012: Integrative approaches to computational biomedicine. Sept 18-20, 2012

A dedicated workshop on VPHOP will take place at the VPH2012 conference on Sept 19th, 2012 in London. Join us to discover the VPHOP technologies!

To view a list of all VPH meetings, please click here.



ARGOS--Transatlantic Observatory for Meeting Global Health Policy Challenges through ICT-Enabled Solutions

  • VPH Position Paper: This is the document that emerged from the consensus discussion organised by the VPH community in Europe and the MSM/IMAG community in USA, on the need for a transatlantic VPH Cyberinfrastructure. The document is intended for researchers and other domain experts, and provides the basis for the Policy Brief on the VPH Cyberinfrastructure. (
  • ARGOS eHealth: Transatlantic Observatory for Meeting Global Health Policy Challenges through ICT-Enabled Solutions
“Transatlantic Methods for Handling Global Challenges in the European Union and the United States”
Policy Brief on Policy needs and options for a common approach towards Modelling and simulation of human physiology and diseases with a focus on the Virtual Physiological Human

All public information on the ARGOS project is located here.

Computational Horizons in Cancer (CHIC): A Transatlantic Initiative'

VPH Institute

picture of VPH


  • Consultation: Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding
On February 9th, 2011, the European Commission presented a Green Paper which proposes major changes to EU research and innovation funding to make participation easier, increase scientific and economic impact and provide better value for money. The changes, to be introduced in the next EU budget after 2013, would bring together the current Framework Programme for research, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
The Commission is seeking the views of all interested individuals and organisations on these proposed changes and on the specific questions set out in the Green Paper. The deadline for contributions is Friday 20 May 2011. In parallel, a competition for the name of the Common Strategic Framework is being organised.
  • To provide your contribution, please [Click Here]
  • Reception: This room contains all the public information about the VPH Institue

Pan-European Initiatives

Name Initiative
EuroPhysiome The Europhysiome initiative was coordinated by the STEP Coordination action, which aimed to establish a better coordination between European Physiome projects. STEP is now completed; its primary results were the establishment of the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) concept, and the production of a European research roadmap to the realisation of the VPH.
Living Human Digital Library The Living Human Project is an international collaboration aimed to develop the physiome of the musculoskeletal system. Since 2006 the LHDL project is developing the data management and sharing technology required to make such huge data sharing endeavour. In the last quarter of 2008 should initiate a beta program for its service.
VPH-NoE Network of Excellence The Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE) has been designed with 'service to the community' of VPH researchers as its primary purpose. Its aims range from the development of a VPH ToolKit and associated infrastructural resources, through integration of models and data across the various relevant levels of physiological structure and functional organisation, to VPH community building and support.
VPHOP: New Technology to Fight Osteoporosis The VPHOP Integrated project started on Sept. 1st, 2008. 19 European institutions such as the Rizzoli Institute (coordinator), Philips Medical Systems, or Ansys France, will collaborate to the development of the technology capable of generating patient-specific multiscale models of the skeletal systems to be used in the clinical practice to predict the risk of fracture in patients with low bone mass, and to assist the clinicians in prognosis and treatment planning (both pharmacological and interventional).


National Initiatives


United Kingdom

Unique Resources and Expertise

Biomed Town

An Internet community open and free to anyone with a professional or educational interest in Biomedical Integrative Research. Organized around the metaphor of the town, has buildings hosting some of the major VPH initiatives, and thematic squares where common interest groups virtually meet.

European VPH Research Roadmap Research roadmap written through a consensus process that involved more than 600 experts.
Physiome Space Data management and sharing service for physiome collaborative efforts. If you wish to learn how to use the service you can download the PhysiomeSpace guide from Access more information here.
Multimod Application Framework Open Source software application framework for the rapid development of Computer Aided Medicine applications.
Vigor++ An international research project that aims to create a personalised gastrointestinal tract model, which facilitates accurate detection and grading of Crohn’s disease, so that the management of the disease becomes personalized, patient friendly, and effective. VIGOR++ is supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission in the context of research towards the Virtual Physiological Human.
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