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US-French scientific collaborations: First steps in US and NIH-France collaborations

The Embassy of France in the United States (Office for Science and Technology-OST) launches the Chateaubriand Fellowship Program which is intended for French institutions in Higher Education and French research laboratories wishing to welcome a young American scientist preferably at the doctorate level, for a 3 to 10 month period.

For the 2010 call, the program’s orientation and methods have been revised. Grants aim to initiate or to reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects (for example PUF, MIT-France, France-Chicago, France-Berkeley, France-Stanford, etc …) by encouraging an exchange at the doctoral level. The Office of Science and Technology wishes to privilege the candidacies of American doctorants (or doctorants registered in an American university) who engage in a joint thesis supervision, or seek in a joint degree ("cotutelle" PhD) with France.

The OST will provide a stipend (2,000 Euros a month) and cover the cost of travel and health insurance. No particular level of French is required; it is at the host institution’s discretion. Courses of French can be offered on site. All disciplines in Sciences, Technology and Health are eligible.

The application is available on the Chateaubriand website:

Application deadline: March 31st, 2010

This fellowship can begin on any date from September 1st, 2010, to March 1st, 2011.

For more information, candidates and American/French research teams can contact Ms Pham at the Scientific Office in Washington at :

        Phone :  1 202 944 62 20 / 62 50


The Paris School of Neuroscience (ENP) is a network of outstanding neuroscience laboratories in the Paris area, within major universities and research institutes

The ENP aims to facilitate graduate training of selected students. It covers all areas of neuroscience and associated methodologies, from basic to clinical and from molecular to cognitive sciences.

Pre -PhD and PhD programs are open to highly talented and motivated students who received their undergraduate training outside of France, irrespective of their original disciplines.

Pre -PhD : up to a year of rotations in participating laboratories. It can include a Master‘s degree

PhD : a three year program with possible one-year extension

Courses in neuroscience and related topics - International conferences and seminars - French and/or English language courses - Individual supervision by a tutor and a thesis committee - Annual retreat with faculty members and guest scientists

Assistance for settling in Paris (visa, housing, social security, medical and/or other insurance) - Stipends from the ENP and other sources (pre-PhD 1200 ⁄/month, PhD 1800 ⁄/month) - Scholarships for attendance to international meetings - Support for periods of training in other laboratories.

Two application deadlines per year 30 September & 30 March

Details & online registration

Contact T +33 (0)1 43 31 13 15

The ENP groups are located at the Collège de France, CRICM (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle Épinière), École normale supérieure, Institut Alfred Fessard, Institut du Fer à Moulin, Institut Pasteur, Institut de la Vision , Jussieu, MiRCen (Molecular Imaging Research Center), NeuroSpin, Saint-Anne, Saint-Pères, etc.



This workshop aims at identifying common problems of interest for which teams are complementary.

Consequently, presentations will point out possible enhancement by American French collaborations.

Meeting goals

(1) scientific exchange -- updating each other on scientific progress since the 2007 meeting and discussing future plans for collaborative work; (2) training -- a program for possible exchange of junior scientists; (3) funding -- mechanisms that could be used to support joint French-US activities.

Here is the meeting report: Media: REPORT_Paris_Workshop_June_2009_GCavelier_FINAL.pdf


Objective: To bring together scientists working on Computational Biology, Multi-Scale-Modeling, and Neuroscience from France and the US for a working meeting for presentation of established projects and identification of common interests and potential new collaborations, joint grants and exchanges of scientists and co-teaching of graduate students.

Co-organizers: US: Embassy of France a Washington, DC (Hedi Haddada) Penn State University (Byron Jones) NIH (German Cavelier, Multi-Scale-Modeling initiative) France: Université de Bordeaux (Pierre Mormède)

Program of the Meeting: Media:French_American_meeting.doc

German Cavelier Report: Media:French American meeting 07-08 REPORT2 GCavelier.doc

Slides Presentation by German Cavelier: Media:IMAG_MSM_Slides_Workshop_Bordeaux.ppt

Slides Presentation by Marco Cabrera: Media:Cabrera_Marco_Slides.pdf

Abstract Presentation by Marco Cabrera: Media:Cabrera_Marco_Report_Abstract.doc

Slides Presentation by Wim Crusio: Media:Crusio_Wim_Slides.ppt

Slides Presentation by Denis Pellerin, GIPSA-lab de Grenoble, France, and work in Visual Perception, mainly by Jeanny Hérault Media:GIPSA-lab_Visual_Perception.pdf

Compte Rendu (Complete, all reports) by Byron Jones: Media:Jones Byron Compte-rendu.doc

Link to Note at Universite de Bordeaux Website:

Slides Presentation by Randall Thomas: Media:Thomas_Randall_Slides.pdf

Abstract Presentation by Randall Thomas: Media:Thomas_Randall_Report_Abstract.doc

White Ron Thomas Randall article Media:White_Ron_Thomas_Randall_Article.pdf

Rob William FAJS report Media:William_Rob_FAJS_Report.doc



  • S. Randall Thomas, Ph.D., Directeur, Informatiques, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes - IBISC FRE 3190 CNRS, Tour Evry 2 - 4ème étage, 91000 Evry - France, website:, Phone: +33 (0) (direct), Directeur GDR Stic Santé CNRS n° 2647-Inserm: URL :
  • INPG Gipsa-lab UMR 5216 Direction: Jean-Marc Chassery. 961 rue de la Houille Blanche Domaine universitaire - BP 46F - 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères cedex Tel. + 33 (0)4 76 82 62 56 Fax. 33 (0)4 76 82 63 84

Département Images et Signal Chef de département Christian Jutten. 46 avenue Félix Viallet - INPG F - 38031 Grenoble cedex Tel : 33 (0)4 76 57 43 51 Fax : 33 (0)4 76 57 47 90

  • INSERM Laboratoire U742 Année de référence : 2008

Directeur : MARC MAIER Intitulé : ACTION-NEUROIMAGERIE-MODELISATION (ANIM) Intitulé Anglais : ACTION - NEUROIMAGING - MODELING (ANIM) Adresse Postale : UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE 9 QUAI SAINT BERNARD CAMPUS JUSSIEU 75005 PARIS FRANCE Téléphone : +33 (0)1 44 27 37 47 Télécopie : +33 (0)1 44 27 34 38 E-Mail :

  • INSERM Laboratoire U707 Année de référence : 2008

Directeur : GUY THOMAS Intitulé : EPIDEMIOLOGIE, SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION, MODELISATION Intitulé Anglais : EPIDEMIOLOGY, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, MODELLING Adresse Postale : FACULTE DE MEDECINE - SITE ST ANTOINE 27 RUE CHALIGNY 75571 PARIS CEDEX 12 FRANCE Téléphone : +33 (0)1 44 73 84 45 Télécopie : +33 (0)1 44 73 84 62 E-Mail :

  • INSERM Laboratoire U928 Année de référence : 2008

Directeur : CATHERINE NGUYEN Intitulé : TECHNOLOGIE AVANCEE POUR LE GENOME ET LA CLINIQUE Intitulé Anglais : ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR THE GENOME AND THE CLINIC Adresse Postale : PARC SCIENTIFIQUE DE LUMINY 163 AVENUE DE LUMINY CASE 928 13288 MARSEILLE CEDEX 09 FRANCE Téléphone : +33 (0)4 91 82 87 00 +33 (0)4 91 82 87 08 Télécopie : +33 (0)4 91 82 87 01

  • INSERM Laboratoire U642 Année de référence : 2008

Directeur : LOTFI SENHADJI Intitulé : IMAGES SIGNAUX ET MODELES POUR LA MEDECINE (IS2M) Intitulé Anglais : IMAGES AND MODELS FOR MEDECINE (IS2M) Adresse Postale : UNIVERSITE RENNES I 263 AVENUE DU GENERAL LECLERC CAMPUS DE BEAULIEU-BAT 22 - LTSI 35042 RENNES CEDEX FRANCE Téléphone : +33 (0)2 23 23 55 77 +33 (0)2 23 23 62 20 Télécopie : +33 (0)2 23 23 69 17 E-Mail : Site Internet :

  • CNRS UPR2191 Unité de neurosciences intégratives et computationnelles (UNIC)

CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE Bâtiment 32-33 1 avenue de la Terrasse 91198 GIF SUR YVETTE CEDEX Région : Ile-de-France Tél : 01 69 82 34 15 Fax : 01 69 82 34 27 Mél : Web :

  • CNRS UMR5549 Centre de recherche cerveau et cognition (CERCO)

UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER TOULOUSE 3 Bâtiments A3-A4-A5 133 Route de Narbonne 31062 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4 Région : Midi-Pyrénées Tél : 05 62 17 28 00 Fax : 05 62 17 28 09 Web :

  • CNRS Institut Jacques-Monod (IJM)

UNIVERSITE DENIS DIDEROT PARIS 7 Tour 43.5ème étage.Couloir 43-53 2 place Jussieu 75251 PARIS CEDEX 05 Région : Ile-de-France Tél : 01 44 27 37 28 Poste : direct Fax : 01 44 27 78 70 Web :

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