Network Connectivity Modeling of Heterogeneous Brain Data to Examine Ensembles of Activity Across Two Levels of Dimensionality

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PI: Gates, Kathleen


Institution: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 

Title: Network Connectivity Modeling of Heterogeneous Brain Data to Examine Ensembles of Activity Across Two Levels of Dimensionality

Grant #: EB022904 

Status: Completed


BRAIN Math Project - Gates.pptx

Software resources:

We developed algorithms that are now available in 3 software packages. The technologies being shared are three freely distributed R packages that enable researchers to easily utilize the methods we developed.

1) MIIVsem ( MIIVsem allows for researchers to analyze brain functionality at multiple levels of spatial

2) gimme (, which conducts data-driven searches for connectivity among brain regions or networks.

3) perturbr package ( ) enables researchers to evaluate the robustness of subgroup classification conducted during the unsupervised classification approach used in gimme.

In addition to being available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network for researchers to use, all of the packages are on GitHub so developers can access the source code. The present grant directly supports personnel that develop and actively maintain these packages. All packages have documentation to make use easier for researchers.


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