Attendee and Presentation Information
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Online Booklet,

GOALS for this meeting:
The 2018 IMAG Futures meeting is where we plan the future for multiscale modeling and analysis of biomedical, biological and behavioral systems. The 2009 IMAG Futures Meeting was seminal in setting the stage for addressing multiscale modeling challenges that can make an impact on biomedical research through the IMAG Multiscale Modeling (MSM) Consortium. This year’s 2018 IMAG Futures Meeting takes a look at how well the 2009 IMAG Futures challenges have been addressed and sets next steps for the MSM. In particular we will focus on new methods to bridge theory-driven models with data-driven models and determine how machine learning can play a role for future impact.
Building: William H. Natcher Building / Building 45 on the NIH main campus in Bethesda, MD.
Room: Ruth L. Kirschstein Auditorium (presentations); Atrium (posters)
Please allow adequate time to get to the NIH main campus and to get through security at the NIH Gateway Center Entrance.
You will need to obtain a visitors badge, so please bring a government-issued photo ID.
Walk directly from the Gateway Center (bldg 66) to Natcher (bldg 45) - see yellow highlight on
Poster Abstracts Due: March 14, 2018 -- submit your abstracts here
Posters: Posters should be at most 4 ft x 4 ft in size. (list of posters to be posted at a later date)
Hotel Group Rate Deadline: March 1, 2018 -- Hotel Information
Lunch Orders Deadline: March 14, 2108 -- Lunch Order Instructions
Dinner is limited to the first 90 signed up -- Dinner Information