BRAIN Initiative U19 - Data Science Consortium

This wiki page is created to serve the NIH BRAIN U19 Data Science ConsortiumBRAIN Circuit domains of study

Click here to see Consortium members


    U19 Data Science Consortium Subgroups

    New U19 Subgroups (follow-up from 2023 survey results)


      U19 BRAIN Circuit Flagship Projects

      *Participating in Data Reuse Effort and Abstract is Linked

      U19 Name

      Grant Number

      U19 Contact PI

      Grant Title

      *Ripple - hREM, hippocampal Ripple related Episodic Memory

      Ivan Soltesz

      Towards a Complete Description of the Circuitry Underlying Sharp Wave-Mediated Memory Replay

      *brainCOGS - circuits of COGnitive Systems
      Carlos Brody Mechanisms of neural circuit dynamics in working memory and decision-making
       * MoC3 - Motor Control Circuits, Computation

      Rui Costa

      Computational and circuit mechanisms underlying motor control

       * Heart and Mind - MultiScale Circuits of Zebrafish

      Florian Engert

      The heart and the mind: an integrative approach to brain-body interactions in the zebrafish

      *FlyLoops - feedback loops of flies  

      Michael Dickinson

      A Brain Circuit Program for Understanding the Sensorimotor Basis of Behavior

      *Holobrain - coding, sensation, behavior

      John Maunsell

      Readout and control of spatiotemporal neuronal codes for behavior

      *aABC  - almost Anything But Cortex

      David Kleinfeld

      Reverse Engineering the Brain Stem Circuits that Govern Exploratory Behavior


      Elizabeth Buffalo

      Computational and Circuit Mechanisms Underlying Rapid Learning


      Kenneth Miller

      Understanding V1 circuit dynamics and computations

      *OXT - Oxytocin Group

      Richard Tsien

      Oxytocin Modulation of Neural Circuit Function and Behavior

      Dmitry Rinberg Cracking the Olfactory Code
      Martyn D Goulding Spinal Circuits for the Control of Dexterous Movement
      Bernardo Sabatini

      Towards a unified framework for dopamine signaling in the striatum



      Gregory Deangelis

      Neural basis of causal inference: representations, circuits, and dynamics
      A-team U19NS123719 Axel Nimmerjahn Astrocyte Modulation of Neural Circuit Function and Behavior
      IBL-U19 U19NS123716 Liam Paninski State-dependent Decision-making in Brainwide Neural Circuits
      TiM - Thalamus in the Middle U19NS123714 Karel Svoboda Thalamus in the middle: computations in multi-regional neural circuits
      USA-rhythms U19NS123717 Anna Devor Local neuronal drive and neuromodulatory control of activity in the pial neurovascular circuit
      LIGHTspace U19NS118284 Karl Disseroth LIGHT-guided State and Population Access via Cellular Ensembles
      BrainFlowZZZ U19NS128613 Maiken Nedergaard Neural circuit control of fluid and solute clearance during sleep



       2022 - 2023 Survey Activities

      2021 BRAIN Booth

      U19/TMM Data & Model Match for Reuse

      BRAIN Awardee Welcome Meeting/Intro to DATA Scholar

      2020 BRAIN PI Meeting - U19 Virtual Booth materials

      February 21, 2020 - U19 Data Science Consortium – BRAIN PI Meeting Planning Call

       April 13, 2019 Meeting,


      BRAIN Circuits Program and Team Science Approaches (U01 and U19) webinar

      The recording for a webinar hosted on February 15, 2023, has been posted on the BRAIN YouTube channel. We invite you to visit the recording, and if you would like to learn more about this family of opportunities, please visit the following links: 

      Brain Circuits FOAs- 

      U01 - 

      U19 - 

      If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

      Additional Information

      Some Resources:



      NOTE:  You will need an IMAG wiki log in to edit these pages.  Just click the Signup at the top right corner of the navigation bar.  The bottom right corner provides some editing tips.

      This wiki was originally created for the Multiscale Modeling (MSM) Consortium, so in the Signup entries for MSM grant title, grant number, and project collaborators, please enter your U19 grant title, number and collaborators.  Look for “Other - NIH BRAIN U19 Data Science Consortium” in the WG involvement menu. 

      Ms. Jacklyn Ebiasah is our IMAG wikimaster, you may contact her at if you have any questions.