JSim Consolidated Model Database

Showing 1 - 50 of 432 models found. [New Search]

NSR0001 (in NSR archive): OneAlvLung.Assist
A compliant 1 compartment lung with resistance to air flow, driven by external positive pressure ventilator.
  • Key terms: lung compliance, resistance, RC circuit, lung mechanics, airflow in trachea, tidal volume, positive pressure ventilation, reference, tutorial
  • OneAlvLung.Assist

NSR0002 (in NSR archive): OneAlvLung.Chest
A compliant 1 compartment lung with resistance to air flow, driven by intrapleural negative pressure (chest or diaphragmatic breathing) or by a positive pressure ventilator or both together, even competing, interfering..
  • Key terms: lung compliance, resistance, RC circuit, lung mechanics, airflow in trachea, tidal volume, positive pressure ventilation, chest or diaphragmatic breathing, tutorial
  • OneAlvLung.Chest

NSR0003 (in NSR archive): OneAlvLung.GasExch
Exchange of gas in external air into a linearly compliant lung with calculation of inhaled gas concentration in lung over a series of breaths.
  • Key terms: lung, non-linear, compliance, resistance, RC circuit, mechanics, airflow, trachea, tidal volume, positive pressure, ventilation, tutorial
  • OneAlvLung.GasExch

NSR0004 (in NSR archive): 2CompLung_Air
Airflow between atmosphere and lung modeled with 2 compartments representing the non-exchanging space (bronchus) and exchanging space (alveolus).
  • Key terms: lung, non-linear, compliance, resistance, RC circuit, mechanics, airflow, trachea, tidal volume, positive pressure, ventilation
  • 2CompLung_Air

NSR0005 (in NSR archive): Lutchen
"A nonlinear model combining Pulmonary Mechanics and Gas Concentration Dynamics." IEEE Trans.,BME-29, 1982, p. 629-641. Lutchen, F.P. Primiano Jr., G.M. Saidel
  • Key terms: lung, tidal volume, positive pressure, ventilation, pendelluft, publication, oscillating flow
  • Lutchen

NSR0006 (in NSR archive): BronchBronchiolAlv
This model represents airway with one bronchus, one bronchiole, and an alveolus.
  • Key terms: lung compliance, resistance, RC circuit, lung mechanics, airflow in bronchus, tidal volume, positive pressure ventilation, airway, PV curves, bronchus, bronchiole, alveolus
  • BronchBronchiolAlv

NSR0007 (in NSR archive): Transp1sol.Comp2
Models a two compartment, 1 solute, T1-T2 (facilitated 4-state transporter. Includes binding steps and transmembrane flip rates for free and occupied transporters.
  • Key terms: two compartment, facilitated transporter, binding constants, single site, noncompetitive binding, four state transporter, tutorial
  • Transp1sol.Comp2

NSR0008 (in NSR archive): Transp1sol.Comp2F
A two compartment one solute facilitated transporter model with flow through one compartment. Includes binding steps and transmembrane flip rates for transporter.
  • Key terms: two compartment, facilitated transporter, transmembrane, flow, two region, single transporter, one solute, no competition
  • Transp1sol.Comp2F

NSR0009 (in NSR archive): Transp1sol.Distrib2F
A two region axially-distributed model with flow and a facilitating two-sided transporter (T1-T2) for one solute.
  • Key terms: axial gradients, solute-solute competition, permeability, surface area, BTEX, spatially distributed, convection, diffusion, reaction
  • Transp1sol.Distrib2F

NSR0010 (in NSR archive): Transp2sol.Comp2
Facilitating Transporter for 2 competing solutes including binding steps. Shows countertransport facilitation/inhibition Enymatic conversion in V2.
  • Key terms: Two solutes, competing solutes, enzymatic reaction, transmembrane flip, countertransporter, six state transporter, tutorial, Transp2sol, two compartment
  • Transp2sol.Comp2

NSR0011 (in NSR archive): Transp2sol.Comp2F
Facilitating Transporter for 2 competing solutes including binding steps. Shows countertransport facilitation/inhibition. Substrate A is converted to B in region 2.
  • Key terms: Two solutes, competing solutes, enzymatic reaction, transmembrane flip, countertransporter, six state transporter, Flow, Tutorial
  • Transp2sol.Comp2F

NSR0012 (in NSR archive): Transp2sol.Distrib2F
An axially-distributed facilitating transporter for two competing solutes, A and B, including binding steps, with input via flow. Shows countertransport facilitation/inhibition. There is Enzymatic conversion A -> B in V2.
  • Key terms: axial gradients, solute-solute competition, permeability, surface area, BTEX, spatially distributed, convection, diffusion, reaction
  • Transp2sol.Distrib2F

NSR0013 (in NSR archive): CircAdapt_TriSeg_2009
(Matlab) Three-Wall Segment (TriSeg) Model Describing Mechanics and Hemodynamics of Ventricular Interaction.
  • Key terms: Pulmonary hypertension, Heart, Septal motion, Adaptation, Stress, Strain, Myofiber, Cardiac mechanics, Publication, PMID19718527
  • CircAdapt_TriSeg_2009

NSR0014 (in NSR archive): TranspMM1sidedComp2
A two compartment one-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter.
  • Key terms: Compartmental, Exchange, Mixing Chamber, MM, Vmax, Km, Michaelis-Menten, one sided, facilitated exchange
  • TranspMM1sidedComp2

NSR0015 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.1sided.Comp2F
Model for two compartments with flow, 1 solute, 1 sided Michaelis-Menten transporter.
  • Key terms: Compartmental, Exchange, Mixing Chamber, MM, Vmax, Km, Michaelis-Menten, one sided, facilitated exchange
  • TranspMM.1sided.Comp2F

NSR0016 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.1sided.Distrib2F
An axially distributed two region model with a two-sided passive transporter (PSg) through clefts and a one-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter (PSc) for membrane transport.
  • Key terms: Axially Distributed, two region, capillary-tissue exchange, facilitated transport, plasma, interstitial fluid region, radial diffusion, tutorial, Michaelis-Menten
  • TranspMM.1sided.Distrib2F

NSR0017 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sided.Comp2
Comparison of 1-sided and 2 sided Michaelis-Menten transporters in a two compartment model without flow.
  • Key terms: Compartment, Michaelis-Menten, MM, transporter, 1 sided, 2 sided, initial velocity
  • TranspMM.2sided.Comp2

NSR0018 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sided.Comp2F
Comparison of 1-sided and 2 sided Michaelis-Menten transporters in a two compartment model with flow.
  • Key terms: Compartment, Michaelis-Menten, MM, transporter, 1 sided, 2 sided, initial velocity
  • TranspMM.2sided.Comp2F

NSR0019 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sided.Distrib2F
An axially distributed two region two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter model, with permeation across the capillary wall via clefts (PSg) and cell transporters (PSc).
  • Key terms: Axially Distributed, two region, capillary-tissue exchange, facilitated transport, plasma, interstitial fluid region, radial diffusion, tutorial, Michaelis-Menten
  • TranspMM.2sided.Distrib2F

NSR0020 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sided.Distrib3F.2Ch
A capillary-ISF-cell convection diffusion model, modified BTEX30 with a Michaelis-Menten saturable transporter on the pc membrane. It is represented by two separated and independent unidirectional transporters, each governed by the fractional saturation in the source compartment, i.e. by the concentration in the ISF to define PSISF2pc, and in the pc, Cpc, to define PSpc2ISF, the conductance via the carrier from pc to ISF. A three region two-side Michaelis-Menten transporter model.
  • Key terms: Michaelis-Menten, BTEX30, Blood tissue exchange, 3 region, interstitial fluid, parenchymal cell, axial diffusion, passive barrier, interendothelial clefts, capillary mean transit time
  • TranspMM.2sided.Distrib3F.2Ch

NSR0021 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sol1sided.Comp2
A two compartment one-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter with 2 solutes. Detailed Description
  • Key terms: Gulosity
  • TranspMM.2sol1sided.Comp2

NSR0022 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sol2sided.BolusSw.MID4
A two region two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter with bolus sweep multiple indicator dilutions.
  • Key terms: Bolus Sweep, Multiple Indicator dilution model, serotonin tracer curves, four region, tutorial, Michaelis-Menten, Data
  • TranspMM.2sol2sided.BolusSw.MID4

NSR0023 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sol2sided.Comp2
A two compartment two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter with two solutes.
  • Key terms: Gulosity, Michaelis-Menten, two sided, two compartment, two solutes, Permeability Surface, Equilibrium Dissociation Constant, tutorial
  • TranspMM.2sol2sided.Comp2

NSR0024 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sol2sided.Comp2F
A two compartment two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter, with flow.
  • Key terms: Gulosity, Michaelis-Menten, two sided, two compartment, two solutes, Permeability Surface, Equilibrium Dissociation Constant, Flow
  • TranspMM.2sol2sided.Comp2F

NSR0025 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sol2sided.Distrib2F
Two region capillary-tissue exchange model with both passive and Michaelis-Menton (MM) transport of two solutes with MM reaction of A to B in interstitial fluid region.
  • Key terms: transporter, Michaelis-Menten, capillary-tissue exchange, axial gradients, solute-solute competition, permeability surface area, BTEX spatially distributed, convection, diffusion reaction, tutorial
  • TranspMM.2sol2sided.Distrib2F

NSR0026 (in NSR archive): MbO2
Model for Oxygen binding to myoglobin, single site first order binding.
  • Key terms: oxygen binding, myoglobin, dissociation curves, saturation curves, equilibrium dissociation, P50, binding rates, Hill coefficient, apparent cooperativity, gas transport, Data
  • MbO2

NSR0027 (in NSR archive): HbO.Severinghaus
Severinghaus' Equation for O2 binding to hemoglobin
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data, Severinghaus, tutorial
  • HbO.Severinghaus

NSR0028 (in NSR archive): HbO.Hill
Hill Equation for O2 binding binding to hemoglobin
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data
  • HbO.Hill

NSR0029 (in NSR archive): HbIndep
Model for slow ligand binding to 4 independent non-cooperative, identical, sites without reaction.
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data
  • HbIndep

NSR0030 (in NSR archive): HbCoop
Oxygen binding to hemoglobin at 4 cooperative sites. alp > 1 for pos cooperativity, alp
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data
  • HbCoop

NSR0031 (in NSR archive): HbO.Adair
Hemoglobin O2 saturation curve using Adair's 4-site equation.
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity
  • HbO.Adair

NSR0032 (in NSR archive): HbO.Dash
Hemoglobin O2 saturation curve at varied levels of PCO2 and pH.
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, tutorial, Data
  • HbO.Dash

NSR0033 (in NSR archive): TranspMM.2sol2sided.BolusSw.MMID4
4 Region Axially Distributed Multi Path Michaelis-Menten Model applied to analysis of serotonin uptake by lung tissue following injection into pulmonary artery.
  • Key terms: four region, Michaelis-Menten, two-sided, facilitated transporter, serotonin, diffusion, MMID, Multiple indicator dilution, multipath, flow heterogeniety, bolus sweep, tracer, vascular reference, capillary, lung, serotonin transport, pulmonary uptake, tutorial, Data
  • TranspMM.2sol2sided.BolusSw.MMID4

NSR0034 (in NSR archive): BloodO2
Oxygen Content of Blood at 37C, Hill model.
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data
  • BloodO2

NSR0035 (in NSR archive): HbO.compare
Compare Models of Hemoglobin O2 saturation curve at varied levels of PCO2 and pH.
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data
  • HbO.compare

NSR0036 (in NSR archive): HbO.Hill.slow
Hill Equation modified to allow slow binding to hemoglobin
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility, cooperativity, Data
  • HbO.Hill.slow

NSR0037 (in NSR archive): HbCO2
Hemoglobin CO2 saturation curve at varied levels of PO2 and pH. Temperature and 2,3-DPG concentration are assumed constant. Based on Dash 2010 paper.
  • Key terms: hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide, saturation, Haldane, Bohr, acidity, pH, blood gases, Hill equation, solubility
  • HbCO2

NSR0038 (in NSR archive): Athanasiades_2000
This model is based on Athanasiades et al. energy analysis of a nonlinear model of the normal human lung. J Biol Sys. 8(2):115-39, 2000.
  • Key terms: Virtual Soldier, Lumped parameter, Airways, Alveoli, Respiration, Publication, Respiratory mechanics, Viscoelasticity, Chest Wall
  • Athanasiades_2000

NSR0039 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig2
Equilibrium conc for increasing kon for two compartment model. Figure 2 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig2

NSR0040 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig3
Volume of Distribution of equilibrium binding and unsteady state. Figure 3 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig3

NSR0041 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig4
Tracer added after tracee and binding site have equilibrated. Figure 4 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig4

NSR0042 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig5
Tracer transients Slow versus fast binding. Figure 5 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig5

NSR0043 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig6
Optimization tracer fit of pseudo two equation fit to three equation fit. Figure 6 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig6

NSR0044 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig7
Two compartment model. Optimization to fit 2-Eq model to 3-Eq model solution assuming the absence of ligand binding in V1 or V2. Figure 2 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig7

NSR0045 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig11
Pulse responses in axially-distributed three region model. Figure 11 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig11

NSR0046 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig12
Pulse responses of Nth order Poisson operator with N tanks varied from 2 to 109 tanks in seried. Figure 12 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states, SIMVOL30
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig12

NSR0047 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig13
MID curve data fitted to three region PDE and serial compartment models. Figure 13 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states, SIMVOL30, Data, Publication
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig13

NSR0048 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig14
Fitting Intravascular reference curve to serial stirred tank model. Figure 14 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states, SIMVOL30, Data, Publication
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig14

NSR0049 (in NSR archive): Anderson_JC_2007_fig15
MID data curves fit to stirred tank model - compare 1 tank versus 15 serial tanks. Figure 15 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
  • Key terms: tracer, tracee, metabolic physiologic modeling, lumped compartmental versus spatially distributed systems, capillary-tissue exchange, membrane transporters, enzyme reactions, steady state versus transient states, SIMVOL30
  • Anderson_JC_2007_fig15

NSR0050 (in NSR archive): gaussian
Probability density function described by a Gaussian distrubution.
  • Key terms: gaussian distribution, probability density function, pdf
  • gaussian