Physiome NSR models

Number of active models: 433
Model # Title Pub Data Model Description
0001 OneAlvLung.Assist No No A compliant 1 compartment lung with resistance to air flow, driven by external positive pressure ventilator.
0002 OneAlvLung.Chest No No A compliant 1 compartment lung with resistance to air flow, driven by intrapleural negative pressure (chest or diaphragmatic breathing) or by a positive pressure ventilator or both together, even competing, interfering..
0003 OneAlvLung.GasExch No No Exchange of gas in external air into a linearly compliant lung with calculation of inhaled gas concentration in lung over a series of breaths.
0004 2CompLung_Air No No Airflow between atmosphere and lung modeled with 2 compartments representing the non-exchanging space (bronchus) and exchanging space (alveolus).
0005 Lutchen Yes No "A nonlinear model combining Pulmonary Mechanics and Gas Concentration Dynamics." IEEE Trans.,BME-29, 1982, p. 629-641. Lutchen, F.P. Primiano Jr., G.M. Saidel
0006 BronchBronchiolAlv No No This model represents airway with one bronchus, one bronchiole, and an alveolus.
0007 Transp1sol.Comp2 No No Models a two compartment, 1 solute, T1-T2 (facilitated 4-state transporter. Includes binding steps and transmembrane flip rates for free and occupied transporters.
0008 Transp1sol.Comp2F No No A two compartment one solute facilitated transporter model with flow through one compartment. Includes binding steps and transmembrane flip rates for transporter.
0009 Transp1sol.Distrib2F No No A two region axially-distributed model with flow and a facilitating two-sided transporter (T1-T2) for one solute.
0010 Transp2sol.Comp2 No No Facilitating Transporter for 2 competing solutes including binding steps. Shows countertransport facilitation/inhibition Enymatic conversion in V2.
0011 Transp2sol.Comp2F No No Facilitating Transporter for 2 competing solutes including binding steps. Shows countertransport facilitation/inhibition. Substrate A is converted to B in region 2.
0012 Transp2sol.Distrib2F No No An axially-distributed facilitating transporter for two competing solutes, A and B, including binding steps, with input via flow. Shows countertransport facilitation/inhibition. There is Enzymatic conversion A -> B in V2.
0013 CircAdapt_TriSeg_2009 Yes No (Matlab) Three-Wall Segment (TriSeg) Model Describing Mechanics and Hemodynamics of Ventricular Interaction.
0014 TranspMM1sidedComp2 No No A two compartment one-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter.
0015 TranspMM.1sided.Comp2F No No Model for two compartments with flow, 1 solute, 1 sided Michaelis-Menten transporter.
0016 TranspMM.1sided.Distrib2F No No An axially distributed two region model with a two-sided passive transporter (PSg) through clefts and a one-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter (PSc) for membrane transport.
0017 TranspMM.2sided.Comp2 No No Comparison of 1-sided and 2 sided Michaelis-Menten transporters in a two compartment model without flow.
0018 TranspMM.2sided.Comp2F No No Comparison of 1-sided and 2 sided Michaelis-Menten transporters in a two compartment model with flow.
0019 TranspMM.2sided.Distrib2F No No An axially distributed two region two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter model, with permeation across the capillary wall via clefts (PSg) and cell transporters (PSc).
0020 TranspMM.2sided.Distrib3F.2Ch No No A capillary-ISF-cell convection diffusion model, modified BTEX30 with a Michaelis-Menten saturable transporter on the pc membrane. It is represented by two separated and independent unidirectional transporters, each governed by the fractional saturation in the source compartment, i.e. by the concentration in the ISF to define PSISF2pc, and in the pc, Cpc, to define PSpc2ISF, the conductance via the carrier from pc to ISF. A three region two-side Michaelis-Menten transporter model.
0021 TranspMM.2sol1sided.Comp2 No No A two compartment one-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter with 2 solutes. Detailed Description
0022 TranspMM.2sol2sided.BolusSw.MID4 No Yes A two region two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter with bolus sweep multiple indicator dilutions.
0023 TranspMM.2sol2sided.Comp2 No No A two compartment two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter with two solutes.
0024 TranspMM.2sol2sided.Comp2F No No A two compartment two-sided Michaelis-Menten transporter, with flow.
0025 TranspMM.2sol2sided.Distrib2F No No Two region capillary-tissue exchange model with both passive and Michaelis-Menton (MM) transport of two solutes with MM reaction of A to B in interstitial fluid region.
0026 MbO2 No Yes Model for Oxygen binding to myoglobin, single site first order binding.
0027 HbO.Severinghaus No Yes Severinghaus' Equation for O2 binding to hemoglobin
0028 HbO.Hill No Yes Hill Equation for O2 binding binding to hemoglobin
0029 HbIndep No Yes Model for slow ligand binding to 4 independent non-cooperative, identical, sites without reaction.
0030 HbCoop No Yes Oxygen binding to hemoglobin at 4 cooperative sites. alp > 1 for pos cooperativity, alp
0031 HbO.Adair No Yes Hemoglobin O2 saturation curve using Adair's 4-site equation.
0032 HbO.Dash No Yes Hemoglobin O2 saturation curve at varied levels of PCO2 and pH.
0033 TranspMM.2sol2sided.BolusSw.MMID4 No Yes 4 Region Axially Distributed Multi Path Michaelis-Menten Model applied to analysis of serotonin uptake by lung tissue following injection into pulmonary artery.
0034 BloodO2 No Yes Oxygen Content of Blood at 37C, Hill model.
0035 No Yes Compare Models of Hemoglobin O2 saturation curve at varied levels of PCO2 and pH.
0036 HbO.Hill.slow No Yes Hill Equation modified to allow slow binding to hemoglobin
0037 HbCO2 No No Hemoglobin CO2 saturation curve at varied levels of PO2 and pH. Temperature and 2,3-DPG concentration are assumed constant. Based on Dash 2010 paper.
0038 Athanasiades_2000 Yes No This model is based on Athanasiades et al. energy analysis of a nonlinear model of the normal human lung. J Biol Sys. 8(2):115-39, 2000.
0039 Anderson_JC_2007_fig2 No No Equilibrium conc for increasing kon for two compartment model. Figure 2 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0040 Anderson_JC_2007_fig3 No No Volume of Distribution of equilibrium binding and unsteady state. Figure 3 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0041 Anderson_JC_2007_fig4 No No Tracer added after tracee and binding site have equilibrated. Figure 4 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0042 Anderson_JC_2007_fig5 No No Tracer transients Slow versus fast binding. Figure 5 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0043 Anderson_JC_2007_fig6 No No Optimization tracer fit of pseudo two equation fit to three equation fit. Figure 6 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0044 Anderson_JC_2007_fig7 No No Two compartment model. Optimization to fit 2-Eq model to 3-Eq model solution assuming the absence of ligand binding in V1 or V2. Figure 2 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0045 Anderson_JC_2007_fig11 No No Pulse responses in axially-distributed three region model. Figure 11 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0046 Anderson_JC_2007_fig12 No No Pulse responses of Nth order Poisson operator with N tanks varied from 2 to 109 tanks in seried. Figure 12 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0047 Anderson_JC_2007_fig13 Yes Yes MID curve data fitted to three region PDE and serial compartment models. Figure 13 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0048 Anderson_JC_2007_fig14 Yes Yes Fitting Intravascular reference curve to serial stirred tank model. Figure 14 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0049 Anderson_JC_2007_fig15 No No MID data curves fit to stirred tank model - compare 1 tank versus 15 serial tanks. Figure 15 of "Tracers in Physiological Systems Modeling".
0050 gaussian No No Probability density function described by a Gaussian distrubution.
0051 expdist No No A probability density function as described by an exponential distribution.
0052 lndc No No A probability density function as described by a lagged normal density curve.
0053 gamma_variate No No A probability density function described by a gamma-variate distribution.
0054 CaATPase No Yes Uptake and transport of calcium from the cytosol across the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, aided by ATP.
0055 NaCaX No No An ion channel, a sodium calcium exchanger in the surface membrane (sarcolemma) of mammalian pacemaker cells. A mathematical model for the electrophysiological responses.
0056 poisson No No This function generates a Poisson-like PDF using a scaled Poisson equation in which lambda is allowed to vary continuously and n is fixed. This curve represents the transport of a tracer through n identical well mixed compartments.
0057 randwalk No No A probability density function as described by a random walk distribution.
0058 BTEX40_MID_heart No Yes Blood tissue exchange model for heart capillaries uses literature values for constants to fit multiple indicator dilution data from tracer data through perfused dog hearts. Estimates for permeability surface areas for each solute are made.
0059 Compliant_Vessel No No This model describes a flow through a single vessel with fixed resistance to flow, R, compliance, C, and a pressure drop along the vessel of Pin - Pout.
0060 Myogenic_Compliant_Vessel No No This model simulates the flow through a passive and actively responding vessel driven by a sinusoidal pressure input.
0061 Nonlinear_Compliant_Vessel No No This model describes the flow characteristics of a single vessel with resistance to flow, R, nonlinear compliance, C, and input flow of Fin.
0062 OneCompLung No No This is a one compartment lung mechanic model.
0063 Rigid_Vessel No No The model simulates fluid flow, F, through a rigid vessel of resistance, R, given a pressure drop across the length of the vessel Delta_P.
0064 OneCompLungO2CO2 No No This is a one compartment lung mechanic model with O2-CO2 exchange.
0065 OneCompLungO2CO2_Cap No No This is a one compartment lung mechanic model with alveolar O2-CO2 exchange with.
0066 Thin_Wall_Compliant_Vessel No No This model uses simulates the flow through a single vessel with resistance to flow R and compliance of the vessel, C, derived from a thin walled formulation of vessel wall mechanics.
0067 Compliant_Element No No The model simulates current flow through a capacitor C and is the electrical analog of fluid flowing into or out of a compliant vessel with no outlet.
0068 Pressure_Driven_Single_Vessel No No This model simulates the single_vessel model with the addition of a pressure-driven flow input. This is analogous to a compliant, resistive vessel with an inflow on one end and an aperture for outflow on the other end.
0069 Resistive_Element No No The model simulates current flow through a conductor of resistance R. Current is induced by the energy potential V_i applied across the conductor.
0070 4-State_Sarcomere_Energetics No No The 4-State model of sarcomeric contraction created by Landesberg and Sideman is investigated in terms of the energy liberated by the system as a function of the rate of shortening.
0071 Air_Blood_ExchangeNetwork No No Model represents a network of multilayer segments for pulmonary air-blood exchange.
0072 Airway_bronchiole_alveolus No No This model represents an inertial flow in a rigid airway, compliant bronchiole, compliant bronchiolus and a compliant alveolus.
0073 Alveoli_Bronchi_2comp No No Airflow from atmosphere to Bronchi to Alveoli modeled with 2 compartments.
0074 Arterial_flow_with_O2_CO2_HCO3_H_exch No No Distributed model for the O2-CO2 transport and exchange in the arterial portion of the vasculature.
0075 Baroreceptor_Lu_et_al_2001 Yes Yes The model simulates baroreceptor function by changing heart rate, ventricular contractility, and arterial resistance in response to an input aortic pressure signal.
0076 barrier No Yes Barrier-limited model of Goresky, using Finite difference method
0077 Beard2005_Mito_OxidatPhosphor Yes No A model for the mitochondrial respiratory chain that appropriately balances mass, charge, and free energy transduction and analyzed based on a previously published set of data measured on isolated cardiac mitochondria.
0078 BeelerReuter77 No No Cardiac Action Potential with Ca, K, and Na currents. Beeler-Reuter 1977 paper.
0079 BTEX10 No No Flow with axial dispersion through a one-region pipe of uniform cross-section.
0080 BTEX20 No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of two regionsand interstitial fluid.
0081 BTEX30 No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of three regions: plasma, interstitial fluid, and parenchymal cells.
0082 BTEX40 No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of four regions: interstitial fluid, endothelial cells, and parenchymal cells.
0083 BTEX50 No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of five regions: plasma, interstitial fluid,endothelial cells, parenchymal cells, and mitochondria.
0084 gentex No No GENTEX is a whole organ model of the vascular network providing intraorgan flow heterogeneity and accounts for substrate transmembrane transport, binding, and metabolism in erythrocytes, plasma, endothelial cells, interstitial space, and cardiomyocytes.
0085 Vessel_Resistance_Only No No Model rigid vessel flow with vessels of varying diameter and length in series and in parallel. Model 'Two_Resistors' uses two vessels in series and model 'Four_resistors' has two vessels in parallel and two more in series.
0086 Goldman No No Model of transmembrane resting potential due to concentration differences in K, Na, and Ca across a membrane with constant conductance for each ion.
0087 Bronchiole_Brochiolus_Alveolus No No This model represents a compliant bronchiole, compliant bronchiolus and a terminal alveolar sac.
0088 Vinnakota_2003_MyoDensity Yes No (Matlab) Myocardial density and composition: a basis for calculating intracellular metabolite concentrations
0089 Myo_Dyn_Resp_wFit No Yes This model describes the dynamic response of a vessel after a step increase in intraluminal pressure.
0090 CardiacOutput_refHuman Yes Yes Cardiac output estimation in reference human. An open-loop cardiovascular model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, a coronary circulation, and baroreceptors.
0091 CardiopulmonaryMechanics No No A closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, a coronary circulation, airways mechanics, and baroreceptors.
0092 CardiopulmonMechGasExch No No A closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, a coronary circulation, airways mechanics, baroreceptors, and gas exchange.
0093 CardiopulmonMechGasBloodExch No No A closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, a coronary circulation, airways mechanics, baroreceptors, gas exchange, and blood gas handling.
0094 Adenosine_mid4 No Yes Four region blood-tissue exchange (BTEX) model used to fit data from Schwartz 1999 MID experiments involving cardiac endothelial transport and metabolism of adenosine and inosine.
0095 Circ_with_Baroreceptors No No A closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, a coronary circulation, and baroreceptors.
0096 One_Enz_Reverse.MM No No First-order reversible enzymatic reaction with binding of either substrate or product to enzyme and allows thermodynamic equilibrium. Uses two methods, the enzyme binding and
0097 Waniewski2009 Yes No (Matlab) Distributed modeling of osmotically driven fluid transport in peritoneal dialysis: theoretical and computational investigations
0098 IsotopeDecay No Yes Decay data for two radioactive isotopes: optimization to find the fraction of each.
0099 EC_SMC_Kapela_Microcirc2009 No No A mathematical model of vasoreactivity in rat mesenteric arterioles: I. Myoendothelial communication
0100 SMC_Kapela_JTB2008_NitricOxideStimulation Yes No A mathematical model of Ca2+ dynamics in rat mesenteric smooth muscle cell: agonist and NO stimulation.
0101 EC_Silva_AJP2007 No No A mathematical model of plasma membrane electrophysiology and calcium dynamics in vascular endothelial cells.
0102 CortisolSecrete No No Two compartment model with feedback control of precursor (pregnenolone) to cortisol and its adrenal secretion.
0103 Comp4ICG No Yes Four-compartment whole body model with recirculation: repeated injections and first order hepatic clearance of Indocyanine Green dye.
0104 Nernst No No Model of transmembrane voltage as concentration changes across a membrane with a single channel having a constant conductance.
0105 Vboltzmann No No Model of Boltzmann gated channel conductance vs. transmembrane voltage for any ion. Valence and # of gating charges are variable.
0106 VboltzmannLagged No No Model of Boltzmann gated channel conductance vs. transmembrane voltage for any ion. Conductance change has fixed timelag, tau.
0107 GoldmanNaKPump No No Model of transmembrane resting potential due to concentration differences in K, Na, and Ca across a membrane with constant conductance for each ion.
0108 GoldmanNaKPump2 No No Model of transmembrane resting potential due to concentration differences in K, Na, and Ca with constant conductances for the ions, plus accounting for the NaKPump current using an implicit calculation of EQ.10.4 from Sperelakis (1979).
0109 TwoToOneEquil No No Two solutes, A and B, react to form C, reaching equilibrium ratio A*B/C = Kd. reaction: A + B C
0110 Comp1Flow.TracerBind No No Tracer and Mother solute flow past a binding site. Equilibrium upset by an added pulse of mother solute, dislodging tracer.
0111 Comp2_LignocainePassage Yes Yes A model of the first pass passage of drugs from i.v. injection site to the heart based on the work of Upton RN, 1996. Models the kinetics and dynamics of induction of anaesthesia (lignocaine) in sheep.
0112 Transp2sol.Comp2.PS No No Models a two compartment, 2 solute, T1-T2 (facilitated 6-state transporter with effective PS calculation. Directly related to model Transp2sol.Comp2 (model #10).
0113 Vessel_Mechanics No Yes This model describes how a microvessel responds to changes in intraluminal pressure in the steady state. This change in vessel diameter to pressure is known as the myogenic response.
0114 VSM_4StateXB Yes No Model of the four-state Vascular Smooth Muscle crossbridge dynamics (Hai and Murphy, 1988). Descr
0115 Comp2_Osmotic_Solute-Water_Interaction No No Model describing osmotic solute-water interaction in a 2 compartment system.
0116 Comp2_OsmoticWaterSoluteExch No No Model describing 2 compartments with osmotic water and solute exchange (no solute water interaction)
0117 VSM_Ephys_NaNSCSCC Yes No Vessel Smooth Muscle Electrophysiology model with stress-controlled Na+ conductance of the NSC channel.
0118 Comp6_Recirc No No Six compartment model with flow, exchange, and recirculation.
0119 Competitive_Inhibition No No This model shows the case of an enzyme facilitating the formation of a product from a substrate but an inhibitor exists which also can bind to the enzyme rendering it ineffective.
0120 Comp_four_gen_weibel_lung No No This model represents four generations of the bipodial human lung or the Weibel lung. The lengths and diameter of the airways are based on the Weibel lung geomtery. The airways are assumed compliant.
0121 Compliant1Comp No No Simple one compartment model with pressure source and constant compliance.
0122 Compliant_bifurcating_airway No No This model represents a bifurcating compliant airway that could be used as a building block for constructing a network of airways. You could use the model to simulate flow in rigid airway bifurcation.
0123 Compliant_bifurcating_bronchiole No No This model represents a bifurcating compliant bronchiole that could be used as a building block for constructing a network of bronchi.
0124 Compliant_bifurcating_bronchiole_compliant_alveoli No No This model represents a bifurcating compliant bronchiole with two compliant alveoli.
0125 Compliant_bronchiole_compliant_alveolus No No This model represents a compliant bronchiole with a compliant alveolar sac. The driving force for this model is a pressure gradient which represents the difference in the alveolar and the pleural pressures.
0126 Kuikka1986_MPBTEX20 No Yes Two region multi-path BTEX model. Used to model D-glucose uptake in the heart. Model fit to Kuikka et al. 1986 rabbit heart data.
0127 Concen_Polarization No No When flow of solute in a solution under pressure is retarded so that its flux across a membrane is slower than the solvent flux, it accumulates on the upstream side of the membrane. This "polarization" retards solvent flow osmotically.
0128 Zinemanas1994_CoronaryCirc Yes No A lumped parameter model of the coronary circulation. A resistive-compliant network is used to simulate the following circulatory compartments: epicardial arteries, large coronary arteries, small coronary arteries, coronary capillaries, small coronary veins, large coronary veins, and epicardial veins.
0129 Co-vsCounter-CurrentExchange No No Steady-state air-blood exchange for two geometric configurations.
0130 One_Enzyme_Reversible No No First-order reversible enzymatic reaction with binding of either substrate or product to enzyme and allows thermodynamic equilibrium.
0131 One_Enzyme_Sequestered No No This model simulates a single enzyme reaction which occurs inside a vesicle where the substrate and product diffuse across the vesicle boundary on each end of the reaction.
0132 Two_Enzyme_Reversible No No This model simulates the competitive binding of two different enzymes which result in a similar product.
0133 Two_Enzyme_Sequestered No No This model represents a two enzyme reversible reaction where the two enzymes are sequestered inside a vesicle and substrate and product are allowed to diffuse across the vesicle boundary.
0134 Exchange_O2_CO2_HCO3_and_H No No Four region, distributed model for the O2-CO2 transport, exchange and metabolism.
0135 Facil_Diffusion_2Region Yes No This theoretical model simulates the diffusional transport of fatty acid from a constant source through two unstirred regions separated by a permeable membrane.
0136 VSM_Ephys Yes No The vascular smooth muscle cell electrophysiology model as developed by Kapela et al, 2008.
0137 Renkin2region59 No Yes Models uptake of tracer potassium by skeletal muscle during continuous perfusion, flow constant or varied. Estimates the PS for the single composite barrier between axially distributed plasma and the cell potassium pool. (derived from model 0080)
0138 Fahraeus_Effect No No This model illustrates the variation in blood hematocrit seen in narrow tubes from the blood hematocrit at the tube outlet.
0139 Feedback_Inhibition No No This model shows an enzymatic reaction in which the product acts as an inhibitor to reduce the reaction progress.
0140 Sachse2008_Fibroblast Yes No A model of fibroblast electophysiology developed by Sachse et al. 2008. JSim v1.1
0141 goresky63 No No Rapid exchange of solutes between the vascular and the extravascular space in a whole organ.
0142 FourSeg_wPleuralPress No No Four segment (larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli) pressure-flow model represents the respiratory system and it is driven by pleural pressure.
0143 Gao1998_ARD Yes No The autoregulatory device (ARD) developed by Gao et al. is reproduced here to simulate the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in the 300 to 50 micron diameter vessels.
0144 Gas_Exch No No Recirculation of O2 and CO2 between a 2-compartment lung and 2-compartment body.
0145 GasExch_Lu_2001 Yes No Model for O2, CO2, and N2 in airways and O2, CO2 in blood of circulating system. Lu et al 2001.
0146 Crone63_BTEX No Yes Models a tissue cylinder consisting of two regions: plasma, and interstitial fluid. Fit to Crone 1963 data.
0147 Vessels_4RC No No This model describes a flow through vessels with resistance to flow, and compliance. Model 'Vessel_2RC' has two RC vessels in series while 'Vessel4RC has two RC vessels in parallel with two RC vessels in series.
0148 Lenbury2005.pituitary Yes No A delay-differential equation model of the feedback/feedforward-controlled hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in humans. Lenbury and Pornsawad, 2005 paper.
0149 HbO2_HbCO2_diss Yes No Blood HbO2 and HbCO2 Dissociation Curves at Varied O2, CO2, pH, 2,3-DPG and Temperature Levels. Based directly on Dash et al. 2010 errata reprint.
0150 Shrestha_2010 Yes Yes Short term response of parathyroid gland to changes in plasma Ca(2+) levels. Based on Shrestha et al. 2010 paper.
0151 EnzLysis No No An enzyme E is synthesized at a constant rate, and degraded in a first order process, -ke*E, only when it is unbound. Input of S is sinusoidal. The system amplifies to give an oscillation in product P. From Reich and Selkov 1981 and really from Selkov 1968.
0152 VelocityProfiles No No Veloicty profiles in straight cylinders. Poiseuille Flow is parabolic (Model 2). Slip at wall is Roevros (Model 1) Two phase flow model (Wang Model 3) has lower viscosity at wall.
0153 HighlyIntegHuman No No Highly-integrated human, a closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circ, a pulmonary circ, airways mechanics, baroreceptors, gas exch, blood gas handling, coronary circ, and peripheral chemoreceptors.
0154 HighlyIntHuman_wIntervention No Yes A closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, airways mechanics, baroreceptors, gas exchange, blood gas handling, coronary circulation, peripheral chemoreceptors and selectable interventions.
0155 Hodgkin_Huxley1952 Yes No Hodgkin and Huxley (HH 1952d): Nerve action potential for squid giant axon. Quantitative model of time and voltage-dependent transmembrane currents for Na+, K+, and a leak current, Ileak. Centerpiece for Nobel prize.
0156 Homogenous_AirBlood_Exch No No Periodic airway transport and alveolus-capillary gas exchange.
0157 InVivoViscosity No No This model represents changes of blood viscosity due to the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect as observed by Pries, Secomb et al. for flow in the rat mesentery.
0158 Yaniv_4-State_2005 No No This is a reproduction of the 4 state model of a cardiac sarcomere originally developed by Landesberg and Sideman. The particular version presented here was used in Yaniv, Sivan and Landesberg Am J Physiol 288:H389-H399, 2005.
0159 Comp2.Binding No No Models two compartments with a single substance passively exchanging between the two compartments, plus first order binding to solute Z to form ZC, both of which are confined to V1.
0160 Lumped_parameter_circulation No No A closed loop cardiopulmonary model composed of a four-chamber varying-elastance heart, a pericardium, a systemic circulation, a pulmonary circulation, and a coronary circulation.
0161 Lumped_Param_Circ_wReg No No A closed loop circulatory model with varying elastance heart, pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulatory loops and actively regulating arterioles in the systemic circulation responding to pressure and shear stress on the vessel walls.
0162 Lung_RC_P No No Single compliant tank driven by pleural pressure. This is the simplest lung model possible.
0163 Kuikka1986BTEX30MP Yes Yes Multiple tracer dilution estimates of D- and 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake by the heart using a three region, 7-path, Blood-Tissue-Exchange (BTEX) model for albumin, L-Glucose, D-Glucose, and deoxy-Glucose. From Kuikka J, Levin M, Bassingthwaighte JB 1986 paper.
0164 Lung_tumor_2region No No 2-region capillary-tissue exch of iodinated contrast in solid tumor.
0165 Luo-Rudy No No The Modified Luo-Rudy Dynamic Model of the Mammalian Ventricular Myocyte.
0166 Sedaghat2002_insulin_signal Yes Yes A mathematical model of metabolic insulin signaling pathways based on the work of Ahmad Sedaghat, Arthur Sherman and Michael Quon [2002, AM J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 283,E1084-E1101].
0167 Michailova_McCulloch2001 No No The Michailova-McCulloch model extends the Winslow Jaffri Rice model by adding the buffering by MgATP and MgADP as well as by calmodulin.
0168 Myocyte_Fibroblast_Coupling Yes No This model simulates the electophysiological effect of inexcitable cardiac fibroblast when coupled with cardiac myocytes.
0169 Diffusion1DpdeAdvection No No Diffusion in a single region with advection
0170 PK_van_Bueren_2006 No Yes Dose dependency of therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2F8, binding to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR).
0171 NobleVarghese98 Yes No Noble's 1998 improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model. It incorporates a diadic space, rapid and slow potassium currents and length and tension-dependent processes.
0172 Non_Competitive_Inhibition No No This model describes the kinetics of an enzymatic reaction where an inhibitor can bind to the enzyme in a non-competitive manner.
0173 Kuikka1986experiment No Yes Multiple tracer dilution estimates of D- and 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake by the heart using a three region, 7-path, Blood-Tissue-Exchange (BTEX) model. Model fit to all experiments published in Kuikka et al. 1986 paper (See model #0163 for more detatils).
0174 nStirredTanks No No N Stirred Tanks in Series
0175 PKComp1Decay No No One compartment with constant elimination rate of a drug, a first order process, and instantaneous injection of drug dose.
0176 One_Slab_Diffusion_Partition No No This model simulates the diffusion of a substance through a region with a constant diffusivity and different solubilities inside and outside the region.
0177 O2_CO2_Recirc_4Comp_Hb No No O2 and CO2 exchange between alveolar air and pulmonary capillary and tissue capillary and metabolic reaction with specified Respiratory Quotient
0178 Pandit_et_al_2001 Yes No This model reproduces the action potential recorded experimentally for epicardial myocytes isolated from the adult rat left ventricle (Pandit et al. 2001).
0179 Phase_Separation Yes No This model illustrates the variation in cell distribution from that which would be expected by the division of flow at a microvascular bifurcation.
0180 Pleural_vs_ExternalPress No No Two different ways of expressing breathing, one as if using a ventilator at the mouth and the other one as human pleural muscle generating pressure gradient against external pressure. Three models used to compare differences.
0181 Pulmonary_Circulation_Olansen_et_al_2000 No No A model of pulmonary circulation based on Olansen et al. (2000) and Lu et al. (2001). A model of pulmonary circulation in which a right ventricle input pressure pulse drives blood flow through vascular components.
0182 PulmonMech_andGasConc No No This model is based on Lutchen et al. A nonlinear model combining pulmonary mechanics and gas concentration dynamics. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 29: 629-641, 1982
0183 Radial_Diffusion_in_Muscle_Fiber No Yes Model simulates the diffusion of 11 cytosolic proteins from rabbit muscle fibers in a physiological solution. Several mechanisms which alter protein diffusion are considered including binding and hindrance to the myofilament lattice, binding to the other proteins, and protein crowding.
0184 RandomWalk1D No No 20,000 1-D random walks are taken, the summation of Gaussian distributed steps with mean of 0 and variance = 1 or uniformly distributed steps from -1 to 1. The positions at a specific step number are
0185 redcell_carriage No Yes Model effect of erythrocyte membrane on exchange of solutes between erythrocytes (red blood cells) and plasma water.
0186 Regulatory_Vessel Yes Yes This model describes the steady state regulatory vessel response to changes in pressure across and shear stress on the vessel wall.
0187 Rigid_four_gen_weibel_lung No No This model represents four generations of the bipodial human lung. The lengths and diameter of the airways are based on the weibel model. The compliance of the airway was considered to be negligible to represent rigid airways.
0188 Rigid_bifurcating_bronchiole_compliant_alveolus No No This model represents a bifurcating rigid bronchiole with two compliant alveoli.
0189 Rigid_bronchiole_compliant_alveolus No No Mechanics of a rigid resistive bronchiole with compliant alveolar sac. The driving pressure is at entrance to the bronchiole; the reference extrathoracic pressure is constant at zero.
0190 BTEX20simple No No Simple Model of an axially distributed two-region capillary Blood-Tissue EXchange unit with consumption in interstitium
0191 Sanshe Yes No The Sangren-Sheppard model (Bull Math Biophys 15: 387-394, 1953) for the exchange of a labeled substance between a liquid flowing in a vessel and an external compartment. Similar to BTEX20 with no diffusion
0192 nobarrier No Yes Simple elimination with flow-limited distribution
0193 Suenson1974 Yes Yes Single and Multi-path models of diffusion of sucrose, sodium, and water across a sheet of ventricular myocardium. Suenson et al. 1974 paper. Variation on Crank, 1956, solution for diffusion in a plane sheet with constant surface concentrations.
0194 Kumagai_2000 Yes Yes Simple compartmental model including soluble gas transport in the alveoli, transfer between the bronchial circulation and the conducting airways, and metabolism.
0195 OneAlvLung.IronLung No No A compliant 1 compartment lung with resistance to air flow can be driven by an external negative pressure surrrounding the chest (Pexhaust) or by intrapleural negative pressure (chest or diaphragmatic breathing (Pchest)) or a positive pressure ventilator (P or all three together).
0196 Styrene_Inhalation Yes Yes A model for a physiological based description of the inhalation pharmacokinetics of styrene in rats and humans based on the work of J.C. Ramsey and M.E. Andersen [(1984). Toxicol Appl Pharm. 73(1), 159-175.], developed by Neil Geisler (2006) as a final project for BIOEN 589, University of Washington.
0197 Surfactant No No Surfactant effect on single bubble dynamics: This models the dynamic adsorption, desorption, and squeeze-out phenomena of surfactant
0198 JardineSerotonin_FourRegion Yes Yes Four region BTEX model used to describe serotonin uptake in the pulmonary endothelium and beyond. From Jardine et al. 2013 paper.
0199 JardineSerotonin_TwoRegion Yes Yes Two Region BTEX Model describing serotonin uptake by lung tissue. From Jardine et al. 2013 paper based on model by Linehan et al, 1998.
0200 JardineSerotonin_OnePathCompare Yes Yes Four and two region BTEX models without heterogeniety used to compare serotonin uptake in the pulmonary endothelium and beyond. From Jardine et al. 2013 paper.
0201 ten_Tusscher_Noble_Panfilov2004 Yes No This model simulates the action potential for a human ventricular myocyte accounting for Na, K and Ca transport and dynamics.
0202 Safford1977 Yes Yes Parallel pathway, dead-end pore model that accounts for sequestration or binding of calcium within heart muscle sheet. From Safford and Bassingthwaighte, 1977. Also contains an implementation of Suenson et al. 1974 diffusion model to validate new model with sucrose data.
0203 Pawlowski2007 Yes No A theoretical model dealing with endocytosis, exocytosis and caveolae invagination, describing plasmalemma homeostasis during cell growth and division, was proposed. It considers transmembrane pressure, membrane tension and mechanosensitivity of membrane processes.
0204 thick_wall_vessel_tangential_stress No No This model simulates the pressure and geometry resulting from changes in the internal radius of a thick-walled, distensible, isotropic, cylindrical vessel.
0205 Safford1978 Yes Yes Calculates the bulk diffusion coefficient, Db, for water through a matrix of cells surrounded by ECF, influenced by cell membrane permeability. This is contrasted with results obtained from homogeneous sheet and dead-end pore models. From Safford et al. 1978 paper.
0206 OneAlvLung.ExchBody No No Exchange of gas in external air into a non-linearly compliant lung with calculation of concentration of material in lung over a series of breaths and transport into the pulmonary capillary blood and subsequent loss into a "body" composed of blood in exchange with a tissue region where consumption occurs.
0207 ErupakaBruce2010 Yes Yes Circulating, multicompartment O2-CO uptake and Hb/Mb binding model based on Erupaka et al. 2010. All table and eq. references are to 2010 paper unless noted. Figures and data referenced here are from Erupaka et al. 2010 paper.
0208 LungBtexCO2exch No No Distributed model for O2-CO2 transport and exchange between a three compartment lung and the pulmonary circulation, modeled as a blood tissue exchange (BTEX) unit.
0209 Tidal_Human No No A single chamber model of the lung pressure and volume with airway resistance and lung compliance.
0210 4-State_Sarcomere_inSeries No No A two element model incorporating two 4-state sarcomeres in series. This model is based on the 4 state model of a cardiac sarcomere originally developed by Landesberg and Sideman (Am J Physiol 267:H779-H795, 1994) and has been further developed to describe two sarcomeres.
0211 Two-barrier model No Yes Two-barrier Model. If a tracer is transformed within the cells, or if its distribution is heterogeneous, two intracellular regions have to be considered, with a second barrier between them. 
0212 TwoSlabDiffusion No No Diffusion through two adjoining slabs with different diffusion coefficients.
0213 Two_Compartment_Lung No No Airway is one tank, alveolus a second. Both are elastic. Flow direction governs solute flux.
0214 Ventilation_Response_to_CO Yes No A mathematical model of ventilation response to inhaled carbon monoxide, based on the work of James H. Stuhmiller and Louise M. Stuhmiller [2005, JAP, 98, 2033-2044] and developed by Raymond Yakura as a final project for BIOEN 589, University of Washington.
0215 Ventricle_three_vessel_loop No No This model simulates a closed loop resistor-capacitor network driven by a pressure generator (Pv). Volumes flow through a varying-elastance pressure generator component (simulating a contracting ventricle) and three compliant vessels in series.
0216 Weight_Cycling Yes No A model for the dynamics of human weight cycling based on the work of Albert Goldbeter [J. Biosci, 31, 129-136] and presented by Lauren Shepherd as a final project for BIOEN 589, University of Washington.
0217 Winslow_Rice_Jafri1999 Yes No This model analyzes the influence of voltage-dependent calcium (Ca2+)-independent transient current (Ito1) on the action potential duration (APD) in normal vs failing canine and human cardiac myocytes.
0218 Single_Vessel No No Fluid flow from an open, compliant vessel, driven only by the energy stored inthe compliant vesel wall.
0219 Stergiopulos_4_Element_Windkessel Yes Yes Lumped parameter peripheral circulation model from Stergiopulos et al. (1999) Am J Physiol 276: H81-H88.
0220 Thick_Wall_Vessel_Tangential_Stress No No This model simulates the pressure and geometry resulting from changes in the internal radius of a thick-walled, distensible, isotropic, cylindrical vessel.
0221 Thick_Wall_Cylinder_Variable_E Yes Yes This model simulates the pressure and geometry resulting from changes in the internal radius of a thick-walled,
0222 Ventricle_Driven_Two_Vessel No No This model simulates a closed loop resistor-capacitor circulatory network driven by a pressure generator (PV).
0223 OneCompLungO2CO2H2ON2 No No This is a one compartment lung mechanic model with O2,CO2,H2O,N2 pressure changes.
0224 Systemic_Circulation_Olansen_et_al_2000 Yes No A lumped-parameter model of the systemic circulation. A chopped-sine left ventricle pressure signal drives flow through the system.
0225 BTEX20_Augmented No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of two regions: plasma and interstitial fluid. Model augmented with additional calculations.
0226 Vinnakota_Kemp_2006 Yes Yes Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time-Course Computation and pH Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics
0227 Vinnakota_Kemp_2006_Figs1_2 Yes Yes Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time-Course Computation and pH Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics. Reproduce figures 1 and 2.
0228 Vinnakota_Kemp_2006_Figs12_13 Yes Yes Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time-Course Computation and pH Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics. Scopes 1974 postmortem data.
0229 Vinnakota_Kemp_2006_Fig15 Yes Yes Dynamics of Muscle Glycogenolysis Modeled with pH Time-Course Computation and pH Dependent Reaction Equilibria and Enzyme Kinetics. Reproduce Fig 15.
0230 CompDecayTutorial No No Models single compartment with decay, no change, or synthesis of substrate.
0231 CompReactionTutorial No No Models single compartment with substance A irreversibly becoming substance B.
0232 CompFlowTutorial No No Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance.
0233 CompExchangeTutorial No No Models two compartments with substance in one compartment passively fluxing into and out of another compartment.
0234 CTEX20 No No Computes N compartmental two region CTEX20.
0235 HbCO No Yes Binding kinetics of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin using Adair's four site model. Two-way binding for carbon monoxide and no interactions between binding sites.
0236 Comp1FlowReactions2 No No Single Compartment with flow and irreversible conversion of C to D and D to E.
0237 Comp1FlowReaction No No In a single compartment with flow, substrates C and D convert to each other using an equilibrium constraint.
0238 shbo2_adair No Yes Adair's hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation equation expressed in terms of P50 for sheep blood. Compare to two other variations of Adair's equation.
0239 HbO.WCM2state Yes Yes The Monod-Wyman-Changeux model is used to describe the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen. Accounts for homotropic cooperative effects on each of the four binding sites.
0240 Comp1Decay No No One compartment with decay of substance, a first order process.
0241 Comp1Flow No No Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance.
0242 Comp1FlowDecay No No Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance which undergoes decay. Does not use physiological units.
0243 Comp1Reaction No No Models single compartment with reversible reaction C becoming D and D becoming C with rate constants Gc2d and Gd2c. Uses non-physiological units.
0244 Comp1FlowDecayPhysiologicalVersion No No Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance which undergoes decay.
0245 Comp2Exchange No No Models two compartments with a single substance passively exchanging between the two compartments.
0246 Comp2ExchangeReaction No No Two comparment model with two substances, irreversibly converting A to B.
0247 Comp2FlowExchange No Yes Two compartments, plasma and interstitial fluid (ISF), with flow and exchange using physiological names and units for parameters and variables. The model is
0248 Comp2FlowExchangeReaction No No Model with two species A and B, with flow in a plasma compartment and exchange with an interstitial fluid compartment with A converting to B reversibly.
0249 Comp2FlowMMExchangeReaction No No Two compartment model with flow, Michaelis-Menten type exchanger, and a reversible reaction in non-flowing compartment converting C to B.
0250 CompNFlowDelay No No Computes N compartment models in series, each with volume = Vp/N, and with an added delay.
0251 SIMVOL No No Two organ model recirculating system with shunt. Has separate three region compartmental exchange (CTEX) and blood tissue exchange (BTEX).
0252 NaKATPase Yes No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump.
0253 NaKpump2B No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 2B of NaKATPase tutorial.
0254 NaKpump2C No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 2C of NaKATPase tutorial.
0255 NaKpump3A No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 3A of NaKATPase tutorial.
0256 NaKpump3B No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 3B of NaKATPase tutorial.
0257 NaKpump3C No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 3C of NaKATPase tutorial.
0258 NaKpump4A No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 4A of NaKATPase tutorial.
0259 NaKpump4B No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 4B of NaKATPase tutorial.
0260 NaKpump4C No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 4C of NaKATPase tutorial.
0261 NaKpump5 No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 5 of NaKATPase tutorial.
0262 NaKpump6AB No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 6AB of NaKATPase tutorial.
0263 NaKpump8 No No The exchange of sodium ions for potassium ions across the plasma membrane, via an ATP aided pump. Fig 8 of NaKATPase tutorial.
0264 CTEX20b No No Capillary-tissue unit using serial stirred tanks with passive exchange via both a passive linear and a saturable transporter
0265 Comp2FlowMRIContrast No No Model for analysis of NMR contrast agents from MRI signal from an organ region of interest (ROI)
0266 Comp6Propofol Yes Yes A physiological model of induction of anaesthesia with propofol in sheep.
0267 Comp3FlowExch No No Three compartment model for plasma (p), interstitial fluid (ISF) and parenchymal cell (pc)
0268 Progress3.Enz No No Three substrates converted by two 1st order reversible enzymatic reactions.
0269 Progress3.React No No Sequence of three uncatalyzed 1st order irreversible reactions.
0270 Progress3.MM No No Sequence of two catalyzed 1st order Michaelis Menten-type irreversible reactions.
0271 PG_Isomerase No No Single substrate single product reversible enzymatic reaction with parameters for phospho-gluco isomerase in erythrocytes (Ref 1)
0272 CTEX10 No No Models a capillary consisting of N compartments. Explores sensitivity analysis and optimization and details the Monte-Carlo GUI for robust estimates of parameters, confidence limits and covariance.
0273 Osm.Uncoupled1 No No Uncoupled, independent fluxes of water and of 2 solutes, across a membrane separating 2 stirred tanks of equal elasticity.
0274 Osm.Uncoupled2 No No Uncoupled, independent fluxes of water and of 2 solutes, across a membrane separating 2 stirred tanks equipped with columns above each to provide observable column heights as measures of their pressures.
0275 Comp1EnzReact4 No No Four sequential, first-order enzymatic reactions S P with substrates binding to enzymes, and reversible product formation.
0276 ThreeEXPdecay No Yes Washout curve simulation by sum of three decaying exponentials: analysis using two or three exponentials.
0277 CTEX20_5path No No Multipath Capillary-tissue exchange unit accounting for intra-organ flow heterogeneity.
0278 shbo2_buerk No Yes Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve calculated using Buerk's equation. The equation contains a term dependent on Temp, CO2, DPG, and pH.
0279 PoreTransport Yes Yes Permeability and reflection coefficient for a hard spherical solute, radius rs,through a cylindrical pore, radius rpore. Hydrodynamic calculation from Bassingthwaighte 2006, corrected 2012
0280 Aspirin No Yes Salicylic acid (SA) clearance for three different dose ranges is modeled as an enzyme reaction. Model parameters are optimized and Monte-Carlo analysis is performed to robustly quantify parameter estimation, variance and covariance with other parameters in the presence of noisy data..
0281 Comp1DecayPlus No No One compartment model with decay of substance
0282 Comp1FlowPlus No No Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance.
0283 Comp1FlowDecayPlus No No Models single compartment with inflowing and outflowing concentration of a single substance which undergoes decay.
0284 AllProcessesTutorial No No A two compartmental model with flow, exchange, reaction and decay for two species, A and B.
0285 Comp2x2Recirc No No Dual comp2 flow-exchange models in series with recirculation and clearance.
0286 Exchange.Dash.tracer No No Tracer model of distributed model for the O2-CO2 transport, exchange and metabolism.
0287 BTEX40_Augmented No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of four regions: plasma, interstitial fluid, endothelial cells, and parenchymal cells.
0288 MID4ode No No A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four compartment model.
0289 LongTailFractal No No Fit the long tailed vascular output curves using N decaying exponentials where the ratio of the decay rates is constant and the ratio of the amplitudes is also constant.
0290 LongTail No No Two, three, or four decaying exponentials are used to fit the long tails on indicator dilution curves for vascular tracers, e.g. albumin, by joining a multi-exponential function to a probability density curve representing a bolus injection.
0291 LongTailPowerLaw No No Fit the long tailed vascular output curves using N decaying exponentials where the ratio of the decay rates is constant and the ratio of the amplitudes is also constant.
0292 MID4pde No No A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four region tissue exchange model.
0293 MID4ctex No No A model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a CTEX (distributed compartment) model with 4*N compartments.
0294 shbo2_hill_kelman No Yes Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve calculated using a simple Hill equation and Kelman's equation which is a modified Adair equation to take into account temperature, CO2 and pH.
0295 Circ.Windkessel3 No No Three-element windkessel model with a connecting inductor in parallel (W4P), in series (W4S), and with a low-resistance Rc, in series with a viscoelastic windkessel (IVW).
0296 VascularOperator No No Vascular operator consists of a pure delay operator plus two second order operators, all in series to simulate the mean transit time and dispersion in arteries and veins.
0297 FourierTransforms No No Select a portion of an input file, smoothly interpolate it, calculate the forward Fourier Transform and the back Fourier Transform.
0298 LinearRegression No Yes One program generates noisy data and another program calculates the linear regression using the Y fractional error.
0299 Btex20_comp2 No No Axially distributed 2-region capillary-tissue exchange operator and analogous 2 compartment model.
0300 Weinstein2000_Fig2 No No Model adapted from cellml repository for "A mathematical model of the outer medullary collecting duct of the rat" by Alan M. Weinstein.
0301 Weinstein2000_Fig3 No No Model adapted from cellml repository for "A mathematical model of the outer medullary collecting duct of the rat" by Alan M. Weinstein.
0302 vanBeek2007 Yes No Models the adaptation of ATP production by the mitochondria to ATP hydrolysis. This model contains only diffusion, mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) permeation, and two isoforms of creatine kinase (CK), in cytosol and mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS), respectively.
0303 vanBeek2011 Yes Yes Whole body model of human energy conversion and heat transport. Used to simulate a mountain time trial for the Tour de France. Model transposed directly from 'R' model written for van Beek et al., 2011 paper.
0304 TransComp2 No No Two compartment master transporter model with choices: Flow: yes or no, Solutes: A only, A and B; Conversion A to B: none, linear, Michaelis-Menten (MM); Transporters: Passive, MM A1 1-sided, MM A1,A2 two 1-sided,MM A1,A2 one 2-sided, MM A,B 2-sided, and T1&T2 (facilitated).
0305 MMID4 No No A FORTRAN based model for triple-labeled indicator dilution experiments in a four region tissue exchange model with 20 flow paths. WILL NOT RUN ON PC (MS Windows) COMPUTERS IF DOWNLOADED, BUT CAN BE RUN OVER THE WEB AS AN APPLET.
0306 Tyson1991cycle Yes No Model the interactions of proteins cdc2 and cyclin which form a heterodimer (maturation promoting factor) that controls the major events of the cell cycle. Tyson 1991 model imported from Biomodels (
0307 Lian_Mussig_2009_IDHP No No (C language) Integrated dual-chamber heart and pacer (IDHP) model
0308 BTEX10_OscillatingFlow No No Two single compartments use an oscillating flow through a pipe (BTEX10) to exchange material and volume.
0309 BTEX10x2CircularFlow No No Two single compartments use a circular flow through a two pipes (BTEX10s) to exchange material. Pipe 1 has flow to the right, pipe 2 has flow to the left.
0310 WeightPredictor No No Program predicts how many calories you are consuming to maintain your current weight based on sex, lifestyle, age, height, number of hours of exercise per week. Projections of weight based on modification of life style, calories, and exercise.
0311 PanitchobPlacentaComp2015 No No (Matlab) Integrated compartmental model of amino acid transport in the placenta. Model describes amino acid interactions between three placental compartments, which are regulated by three transport mechanisms.
0312 PermeabilityToPotassium Yes Yes Tancredi RG, Yipintsoi T, and Bassingthwaighte JB. Capillary and cell wall permeability to potassium in isolated dog hearts. Am J Physiol 229: 537-544, 1975.
0313 Botijo No No Water cooling by evaporation from an earthenware jug
0314 Demir99 Yes No Single Cell action potential of rabbit sinoatrial node modulated by acetyl choline by Demir, Clark, Giles 1999 from CellML source
0315 Demir94 Yes No A mathematical model of a rabbit sinoatrial node cell. Demir, S., J. Clark, C. Murphey, and W. Giles. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 266: C832-C852, 1994.
0316 ConcurrentFlow Yes No Concurrent flow model for extraction during transcapilary passage. J.B. Bassingthwaighte: Circ Res 35:483-503, 1974.
0317 Transp2sol_Distrib2_F_tracer No No Model for two regions, one with flow, one without, for two species A and B, both tracer (h) and non-tracer (c) with full T1T2 transporter on membrane and MM conversion of A to B in non-flowing region.
0318 MultiCircSystem No No The MultiCompartment Circulatory System is based on pages 450-452 from J. Keener and J. Sneyd, Mathematical Physiology, Vol. 8 in series Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,
0319 btex20_PSx No No Axially-distributed 2-region capillary-tissue exchange operator with permeability varying along the capillary length.
0320 MM2Substrate_irrevers No No Single enzyme irreversible Michaelis-Menten Eqs for Hx->Xa->Ua: Progress curves for xanthine oxidase reactions to oxidize hypoxanthine, Hx, to xanthine, Xa, to uric acid, Ua
0321 MM2Substrate_product_Inhibited Yes Yes Single enzyme irreversible Michaelis-Menten Eqs for Hx->Xa->Ua: Progress curves for xanthine oxidase reactions to oxidize hypoxanthine, Hx, to xanthine, Xa, to uric acid, Ua, and invokes inhibition by second product.(Data and equations from Escribano 1988).
0322 Vfnet_MM2substrate_reversible Yes Yes Single enzyme reversible Michaelis-Menten Eqs for Hx->Xa->Ua, that is, two reactions on one enzyme. Data are progress curves for xanthine oxidase reactions to oxidize hypoxanthine, Hx, to xanthine, Xa, to uric acid, Ua, without inhibition by product.(Data from Escribano 1988).
0323 FullXO Yes Yes Two sequential, first-order enzymatic reactions S P with substrates binding to enzymes, and reversible product formation. Reactions facilitated by a single enzyme, Xanthine Oxidase.
0324 FourXO Yes Yes Contains four xanthine oxidase models: MM2Substrate_irreversible (Model #0320), MM2substrate_product_inhibited (Model #0321), Vfnet_MM2substrate_reversible (Model #0322), FullXO (Model #0323)
0325 DiffusionLimitedProfiles Yes No Concentration profiles in capillary and tissue when exchange is diffusion limited. Includes axial and radial diffusion in a 2-D (x,r,t) partial differential equation problem.
0326 RelativeDispersion Yes No Relative dispersion: A characterizing feature of specific vascular beds. Anesth Analg 56: 72-77, 1977.
0327 BTEX20radialDiffusion No No A two region model of capillary and cell with cell subdivided into 20 subregions with axial and radial diffusion. Time-dependent plots of contours and center-of-mass of material are calculated using MATLAB.
0328 StochasticReaction No No A reaction, A -> B with rate constant k is modeled using an ordinary differential equation and Gillespie's stochastic method.
0329 Brusselator No No The Brusselator (combination of Brussels and Oscillator) equations of I. Prigogine and R. Lefever are solved both continuously and stochastically.
0330 Diffusion1Dpde No No Diffusion in one dimension is modeled using a partial differential equation.
0331 BTEX10stat No No Flow with axial dispersion through a one-region pipe of uniform cross-section. Statistics on inflow and outflow concentration curves */
0332 CTEX10stat No No Models a capillary consisting of N compartments. Explores sensitivity analysis and optimization. Includes curve statistics.
0333 BTEX10_Terminology No No Uses a single capillary convection diffusion model to generate functions of linear stationary systems: h(t), H(t), R(t), eta(t).
0334 Rideout_IndicatorDilution No No Compartmental cardiovascular indicator dilution model ported from Rideout (ACSL programs IND-DIL). Also in MATLAB.
0335 Rideout_IndicatorDilution_Modified No No Compartmental cardiovascular indicator dilution model based on Rideout_IndicatorDilution with systemic flow used as constant reference. Also in MATLAB.
0336 Rideout_PressureFlowLH No No Left heart and systemic arteries pressure-flow model ported from Rideout (ACSL programs LH-PF). Also in MATLAB.
0337 BronchTwoAlv No No This model represents a bifurcating bronchiole with two alveolar compartments. The resistance to air flow is represented by resistors, and the compliance is repsented by a capacitor. It compares this model to Lutchen's model.
0338 Rideout_PressureFlow0 No No Uncontrolled CV loop pressure-flow model ported from Rideout (ACSL program PF-0). Also in MATLAB.
0339 Logistic No No A n iterative procedure is used to draw the Logistic Map.
0340 Logistic2 No No Modified Logistic Map shows the fractal nature of the Logistic equation when smaller and smaller ranges of the "R" parameter are used.
0341 Selkov No No The Selkov model for glycolysis exhibits a Hopf bifurcation. As the b parameter increases from 0.25 to 0.95, the model switches from a stable equilibrium point to a limit cycle near b=0.41 and back to a stable equilibrium point near b=0.8.
0342 Cooperativity No No This cooperativity binding model exhibits bistable bifurcation.
0343 Rideout_PressureFlow1 No No Uncontrolled CV loop pressure-flow model ported from Rideout (ACSL program PF-1). Also in MATLAB.
0344 Rideout_PressureFlowReg No No CV loop with baroreceptor regulation ported from Rideout (ACSL program PF-1-REG). Also in MATLAB.
0345 TwoCompExampMPC No No Example JSim model generated from Modular Program Constructor (MPC). Three species (A, B, C), two compartment model with two reactions in compartment two with species concentrations described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Taken from 2015 F1000 article.
0346 FGP No No Generate both fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) and fractional Brownian motion (fBm) series using the Davies-Harte algorithm.
0347 wu_2007 Yes Yes Computer Modeling of Mitochondrial Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Metabolite Transport, and Electrophysiology.
0348 threeExponentials No No Generate CleanCurve = sum of three exponential curves and NoisyCurve=CleanCurve with 5% proportional Gaussian noise. Fit, the sum of three exponentials with amplitudes and decay rates found by optimization, attempts to fit the NoisyCurve. Parameters and confidence limts are compared with MonteCarlo estimates.
0349 MonteCarlo No No Fitting an equation for a quadratic with added noise is used to illustrate the MonteCarlo Graphical User Interface.
0350 AutoCovariance No No Compute the autocorrelation for an external time Series and the autocorrelation for the same series filtered by a first order process.
0351 NyquistFreq No No A continuous function, a sum of 4 cosines, is sampled at delta-t =1/2 and undersampled at delta-t=1 illustrating the folding of frequencies around the Nyquist frequency.
0352 TimeSeriesFilters No No Simple low pass, high pass, and bandpass filters are illustrated by four examples.
0353 DISP No No Computes the Hurst coefficient for a fractional Gaussian noise series by binning the data (averaging adjacent points) and calculating the standard deviation as a function of bin size.
0354 PDF No No Compute the PDF for a time series.
0355 ResolvingFreq No No Spill over of energy into adjacent frequencies is illustrated.
0356 CrossCovariance No No Compute the crosscovariance for the output of two similar first order operators whose input is the same random variable.
0357 OperatorsAsFilters No No A series consisting of uniformly distributed random numbers between -1 and 1 is passed through a 1st order operator.
0358 BloodO2_Transient No Yes Oxygen content of Blood at 37C (time-dependent/transient oxygen flow), Hill model.
0359 HbOTracer No No Oxygen and O-15 tracer content of Blood at 37C (time-dependent/transient oxygen flow), Hill model. import nsrunit; unit conversion on;
0360 Rideout_PressureFlowNP No No CV loop nonpulsatile model ported from Rideout (ACSL program PF-NP). Also in MATLAB.
0361 ActinCycle1 No No ODE model of actin polymerization and depolymerization with tracking of bound nucleotide
0362 YonXregression No No Compute Y on X regression. Assumes y(i) = slope*x(i) +error(i) (all the error is in y.) Descripti
0363 Heat_Equation No No The 2-d heat equation is solved using partial differential equations generated using the Modular Program Constructor (MPC). Heat_Equation_ODE solves the problem using ordinary differential equations.
0364 Diffusion1DpdeConsumption No No Diffusion in one dimension with asymmetrical consumption is modeled using a partial differential equation.
0365 VISCOE No No Models four different viscoelastic compartments with one or two chambers for modeling lungs.
0366 NestedPlots No No Models a tissue cylinder consisting of two regions: plasma, and interstitial fluid. Contains nested plots.
0367 CerebralBloodFlow_CCT_BS Yes No A lumped parameter model of cerebral blood flow control combining cerebral autoregulation and neurovascular coupling
0368 CorrelationOfParameters No No JSim calculates the correlation between parameters two different ways: Normalizing the inverse of an estimation of the Hessian and a Monte Carlo approach. The results are not necessarily similar.
0369 SalicylicAcidClearance No No This model is a place-holder for the three separate models, HalfLife, Enzyme, and BriggsHaldane. It is an example of reproducible models leading to reproducible science. Run the SalicylicAcidClearance model first.
0370 SWV No No Scaled Windowed Variance (SWV) Analysis for determining the Hurst coefficient from time series of fractional Brownian motion (fBm). Includes the linearly detrended (LDSWV) and bridge detrended (BDSWV) methods.
0371 DashRunGasReCirc No No Translate original model from Matlab into JSim mml. Four compartment ODE model consisting of Systemic capillary and tissue, Pulmonary capillary, and alveolus compartments. Uses an iterative approach to calculating partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the capillaries using Dash et al. 2016 simplified calculations for O2 and CO2 binding to Hb.
0372 RandomWalk2D No No Random walk diffusion in two dimensions with choice of fixed step size, random step size, random direction and step size.
0373 SigmaPore Yes Yes Permeability and reflection coefficient for a hard spherical solute, radius rs,through a cylindrical pore, radius rpore. Minimal code for Sigma and Perm; Hydrodynamic calculation from Bassingthwaighte 2006, corrected 2012
0374 FractionalBrownianMotionWalk No No Generate a 2-D fractional Brownian motion walk using the the Davies-Harte algorithm. (see FGP, model 346 for details).
0375 MicroCircIllusoryCooperativity_1 No No A spatially distributed blood tissue exchange model which incorporates the regulation of coronary blood flow by adenosine acting through adenosine A2A receptors on the surface of vascular smooth muscle cells. This simplified version of the model lumps all interstitial adenosine consuming/transporting processes into a single process with Michaelis Menten kinetics.
0376 MicroCircIllusoryCooperativity_2 No No A spatially distributed blood tissue exchange model which incorporates the regulation of coronary bood flow by adenosine acting through adenosine A2A receptors on the surface of vascular smooth muscle cells.
0377 SalicylateBodyMito No No Aspirin and Salicylate circulate in the plasma and are converted to salicylurate in liver mitochondria prior to clearance, mainly as salicylurate.
0379 Baroreflex_SB_CT No No Physiological model of the full baroreflex heart control system based on experimental measurements
0380 MPC, the semi-automated Modular Program Constructor Yes No MPC is an open-source Java based modeling utility, built upon JSim's Mathematical Modeling Language (MML), JSim website, that uses directives embedded in model code to construct larger, more complicated models quickly and with less error than manually combining models.
0381 Rxn_A_plus_B_to_C No No Two solutes, A and B, reversibly react to form C. A + B C reaches equilibrium at the ratio A*B/C = Kd.
0382 Osm.coupledKK.1sol No No Transport across a membrane between 2 stirred tanks, V1 and V2 of solute 1 and solvent water. Water fluxes induce volume changes and pressure changes. Solute 1 can also permeate the membrane independently of the pore, Pmemb11, and so can water PmembW. This uses linearized thermodynamics of irreversible processes from Kedem and Katchalsky 1958.
0383 FEV_Maxwell No Yes Models Forced Expiratory Volume procedure using the Maxwell one chamber viscoelastic compartment model taken from Bates (ch. 7)
0384 FEV_simple No Yes Models Forced Expiratory Volume procedure using the linear one chamber compartment model taken from Bates (ch. 3)
0385 fgen No No Java function call. Given y(n) and x(n) (both monotonic). They can be regarded as y(x) and x(y), and given YY, find XX such that y(XX)=YY using binary search.
0386 AccessingJSimArrays No Yes A 3 dimensional array is copied by a JSim procedure illustrating how array elements are addressed between JSim and Java.
0387 primes No No A range of numbers is submitted. If a number in the range is prime, it is multiplied by 1, otherwise multipliedby zero. Illustrates the topcode, maincode, and bottomcode in JSim function and procedure calls.
0388 BR77pkDetect No No Demonstrate peak detection using model of Cardiac Action Potential with Ca, K, and Na currents. Model from Beeler-Reuter 1977 paper.
0389 BinomialRandomNumbers No No Generate Binomial random numbers.
0390 GeneralizedDistRandomNumbers No No Generate random numbers using a general probability density function.
0391 BaroreceptorNeuron No No A model of baroreceptor transduction of blood pressure
0392 FattyAcidBinding No No Long chain fatty acid binding to human plasma albumin
0393 Comp1FlowReactionXa2Ua No No In a single compartment with flow, substrates Xa (Xanthine) and Ua (Uric acid convert to each other.
0394 Comp1DecaySalicylicAcid No No The half-life for ingestion of low, middle, and high concentrations of Salicylic acid are computed for three separate experiments.
0395 BarrerDiffusion No No Models diffusion through one dimensional slab with a constant diffusion coefficient, D, with flux into recipient chamber on right used to estimate the diffusion coefficient. Model includes partition coefficient.
0396 Hund_Rudy_2004 Yes No Rate Dependence and Regulation of Action Potential and Calcium Transient in a Ventricular Cell Model. Based on the Hund-Rudy 2004 model. Imported from the CellML version of the model.
0397 GasSoly2017 Yes Yes Equations and Data for O2 and CO2 solubility in water, normal saline, human & Ox plasma. This model uses individual fit data to express the O2 and CO2 solubility in various biological solutions. Please refer to the Notes tab for further details on the model and files.
0398 Stabenau93_pKa Yes Yes Calculation of the apparent pKa for the CO2 hydration reaction in turtle blood. Empirical equations relating pKa to pH, Temperature, Na+, protein conc, and ionic strength and CO2 solubility coefficient to temperature.
0399 SHbO2CO2_Dash2016 Yes No Simulation of oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) and carbaminohemoglobin (HbCO2) dissociation curves and computation of total O2 and CO2 contents in RBCs, Modified from Dash's original 2016 Matlab version. Annotated for use with MPC.
0400 Tewari2016 Yes Yes (Matlab) Dynamics of cross-bridge cycling, ATP hydrolysis, force generation, and deformation in cardiac muscle.
0401 Pradhan2016 Yes No (Matlab) Model of open-loop (feed-forward) and feedback control of coronary blood flow during exercise, cardiac pacing, and pressure changes.
0402 Bazil2016 Yes No (Matlab) Catalytic Coupling of Oxidative Phosphorylation, ATP Demand, and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation.
0403 Dash2008 Yes Yes (Matlab) Metabolic Dynamics in Skeletal Muscle during Acute Reduction in Blood Flow and Oxygen Supply to Mitochondria: In-Silico Studies Using a Multi-Scale, Top-Down Integrated Model.
0404 Li2012 Yes Yes (Matlab) Computational Model of Cellular Metabolic Dynamics in Skeletal Muscle Fibers during Moderate Intensity Exercise.
0405 RecircO2CO2BTEX_3CompLung No No Four region, recirculating model for the O2-CO2 transport, exchange and metabolism. Based on Dash 2006 paper. Computes dissolved O2 and CO2 from total O2 and CO2 (TO2 and TCO2) through numerical inversion method using SHbO2CO2_EJAP2016 routine and Christmas 2017 O2/CO2 solubility algorithm. Gas exchange with 3 comp lung is used. Incorporates Calculations for temperature changes based on consumption of O2 in parenchymal region.
0406 OneEnzRandomBiBi No No One Enzyme 2 Substrates, A and B, to 2 Products, C and D, Reversible Second-order enzyme kinetic model with capacitance and reversible enzymatic reaction with binding and release kinetics for two substrates givng two products, thermodynamically constrained.
0407 ATPase_BISEN No No Modeling ATP hydrolysis.
0408 ANT_BISEN No No (Matlab) Adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT)
0409 Myokinase_BISEN No No Adenylate Kinase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated model.
0410 AspartateTransferase_BISEN No No Aspartate Aminotransferase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated model.
0411 MalateDehydrogenase_BISEN No No Modeling the Malate dehydrogenase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated model.
0412 Fumarase_BISEN No No Modeling the Fumarase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated model.
0413 SuccinateDehydrogenase_BISEN No No Modeling the Succinate Dehydrogenase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated model.
0414 SuccinylCoaSynthetase_BISEN No No Modeling the Succinyl-CoA Synthetase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated Matlab model.
0415 AlphaKetogluterateDehydrogenase_BISEN No No Modeling the Alpha-Ketogluterate Dehydrogenase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated Matlab model.
0416 IsocitrateDehydrogenase_BISEN No No Modeling the Isocitrate Dehydrogenase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated Matlab model.
0417 Aconitase_BISEN No No Modeling the Aconitase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated Matlab model.
0418 CitrateSynthase_BISEN No No Modeling the Citrate Synthase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated Matlab model.
0419 PyruvateDehydrogenase_BISEN No No Modeling the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase reaction. Translated from BISEN generated Matlab model.
0420 HoogAntink2017 Yes No (Matlab) A synthesizer framework for multimodal cardiorespiratory signals. Model from Hoog Antink et. al. 2017 paper.
0421 RationalExp No No A rational exponential function, R(x)= exp(-P(x)/Q(x)), where P and Q are polynomial in x expressed p1 + p2*x + p3*x^2 +.. pn*x^(n-1) and 1 + q1*x + q2*x^2 + ....+ qn*x^m, where n is not necessarily = m.
0422 Xa_Gentex_MID No Yes This Gentex-based model simulates the transport and metabolism processes of exogenous Xa in the isolated, perfused non-working guinea pig heart, based on data from the multiple-indicator dilution technqiue (MID).
0423 Linear.Reaction.Sequence No No First Order Reaction Sequence for solutes A to E in a stirred tank flowing reactor with constant volume, Vol, and step jumps in flow and in reaction rates. This is the basis for a series of models to account for substrate capacitance in enzymatic networks.
0424 MM.Reaction.Sequence No No Michaelis-Menten Reaction Sequence for solutes A to E in a stirred tank flowing reactor with constant volume, Vol, and step jumps in flow and in reaction rates. This is the second in a series of four models to account for substrate capacitance in enzymatic networks. The first model is Linear.Reaction.Sequence (Model #0423).
0425 MM.Lag.Reaction.Sequence No No Michaelis-Menten Reaction Sequence for solutes A to E in a stirred tank, with lagged input into flowing reactor with constant volume, Vol, and step jumps in flow and in reaction rates. This is the third in a series of four models to account for substrate capacitance in enzymatic networks. The first model is Linear.Reaction.Sequence (Model #0423).
0426 React.Seq.FullEnzKinetics No No React.Seq.FullEnz.Kinetics is the fourth and last of a series to illustrate the influences of capacitances on the duration of transients in the reaction series A --> B --> C --> D--> E in a compartment. It includes the on- and off kinetics for enzyme-substrate binding and release for each reaction; the capacitive delay is the dwell time in the ES complex.
0428 Hexokinase_KA No No Working file for parameterizing a series of rate constants from King and Altman notation representing Hexokinase (E.C. as a random order Bi-Bi, data from Leuck and Fromm. This model assesses the kinetic equilibrium for multiple representations of hexokinase with varying simulations with a range of pH's.
0429 AlvCapExch No No Models two compartments, fluid and air, for a soluble gas passively exchanging between the volumes, V1 liquid, V2 air, forming a closed system. Assumes constant volumes, dry air. Simple model of alveolar-capillary gas exchange.
0430 Equil2bind No No Two solutes, with given total concentrations, Atot and Ftot, bind with an equilibrium dissociation constant of Kd. The result gives the concentrations of A, F, and AF after equilibration. Check affirms totals.
0431 FAbt20.1site No No Axially distributed 2-region capillary-tissue exchange operator for Albumin binding fatty acid at a particular binding site.
0432 AlvCapExchBind No No Models two compartments, fluid and air, for a soluble gas passively exchanging between the volumes, V1 liquid, V2 air, with a binding site in V1, forming a closed system. Assumes constant volumes, dry air. Simple model of alveolar-capillary gas exchange.
0433 AlvCapExchBuff No No Models two compartments, fluid and air, for a soluble gas passively exchanging between the volumes, V1 liquid, V2 air, with buffering site in V1, forming a closed system. Assumes constant volumes, dry air. Simple model of alveolar-capillary gas exchange.
0434 BTEX2006_Updated No No Four region, distributed model for the O2-CO2 transport, exchange and metabolism. From Dash 2006 paper. Annotated for use with MPC. Compute dissolved O2 and CO2 from total O2 and CO2 (TO2 and TCO2) through numerical inversion method that uses SHbO2CO2_EJAP2016 routine and Christmas 2017 O2/CO2 solubility algorithm. Incorporates Calculations for temperature changes based on consumption of O2 in parenchymal region.
0435 Transdermal ethanol transport, Ethanol diffusion through the skin Yes No Describes the diffusion of ethanol from the skin capillaries, through the epidermis and stratum corneum and into the supradermal space of the detector. Ethanol enters the capillary bed at a rate Qdot (ml/s) and blood alcohol concentration (BAC(t)). Based directly on paper “A New Approach to Modeling Transdermal Ethanol Kinetics”, Joseph C Anderson, 2024.